Newsletter (Page 3)
SFNAZ Newsletter – October 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SCHEDULE Learning & Growth Opportunities (All ages) ……………..9:30am Worship Service ……………………………………………………………………… 10:45am NAZARENE YOUTH CONFERENCE FUNDRAISER – TEEN FOR HIRE Teen for hire is up and running! If you take a look at the SFNAZ Youth kiosk, you will see all the many jobs our teens can do for you. If you need help with fall clean up, decorating for Christmas, moving, painting, childcare, etc. we have a…
SFNAZ Newsletter – September 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SCHEDULE Learning & Growth Opportunities (All ages) ……………..9:30am Worship Service ……………………………………………………………………… 10:45am NOW HIRING – Part-Time Administrative Assistant We are now accepting applications for a PT Administrative Assistant. Applications are available in the church office or by contacting WORSHIP WITHOUT WALLS @ CAMP LUTHERHAVEN Thanks you to Jordan Roth and all who helped make SFNAZ Family Camp 2022 a success! There were close to 100 who worshiped…
SFNAZ Newsletter – August 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS *NEW* SUNDAY SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Learning & Growth Opportunities (Adult Class Only) ……………..9:30am Worship Service ……………………………………………………………………… 10:45am NOW HIRING – Part-Time Administrative Assistant We are now accepting applications for a PT Administrative Assistant. Applications are available in the church office or by contacting UPCOMING EVENTS MISSIONARY SPEAKERS ~ Sunday, August 7th – 9:30am Missionaries Stan and Aimee Christopherson will be speaking in the Fireside Room. Join us to see how…
SFNAZ Newsletter – July 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS *NEW* SUNDAY SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Learning & Growth Opportunities (Adult Class Only) ……………..9:30am Worship Service ……………………………………………………………………… 10:45am GRADUATION SUNDAY Last month, we celebrated our High School Seniors. Please continue to pray for them as they begin the next chapter of their lives. MEMORY CARE IN WASHINGTON Many families with aging adults are unaware of the several available memory care options and programs in their area that can help them…
SFNAZ Newsletter – June 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS *NEW* SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Learning & Growth Opportunities ……………..9:30am Worship Service …………………………………………. 10:45am CHILDREN’S REGIONAL BIBLE QUIZZING Congratulations to Oliver Curry who earned a second place award at the Regional Kid’s Quiz Meet in Nampa. This young man has worked so hard this quiz season learning the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. We are so proud of you Oliver!! SFNAZ Ladies…
SFNAZ Newsletter May 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. LETTER FROM PASTOR JOHN Boldly proclaim the transforming love of Christ through acts of mercy and grace and His unconditional love. 1 Cor 9:19-23 NLT, “… I have become a servant of everyone so that I can bring them to Christ. 20 When I am with the Jews, I become one of them so that I can bring them to Christ. When I am with those who follow the Jewish laws, I…
SFNAZ Newsletter – April 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS SFNAZ ANNUAL ELECTIONS Thank you to everyone who participated in the Annual Elections. Church Board: Zachary Curry, Dan Gunther, Marcy Morrison, Ryan Pooler, Jana Shea Missions President: Jeff Shea Board Member Term Limits: Yes (Each board member will be allowed two consecutive 3-year terms and then must take at least a year before running again. The majority was in favor to enact this term limits policy.) District Assembly Delegates: Jeanie Carson, Randy Coffey,…
SFNAZ Newsletter March 2022
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS SFNAZ New Members! On February 6th, we welcomed 8 new members to the SFNAZ family. Ed, & Janice Hicks and the Chambers family (Donald, Lorraine, Brandon, Nicole, Shelby, & Rallye). SENIOR LUNCHEON Last month, the senior high students crashed the Senior luncheon! Everyone had a great time and enjoyed each others company. NW DISTRICT QUIZ MEET Thank you to everyone that helped make the quiz meet a success. The kids…