

If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

PSALM 139:8 – 10

Our little granddaughter loves to play peek-a-boo.  It is so cute to watch her hide her eyes behind her chubby little hands.  After we say her name several times, she will quickly drop her hands down from her face and scream.  It is obvious that she believes if she cannot see us, we cannot see her.

As the time goes by, she will transition from peek-a-boo to hide-and-seek.  First, she will likely hide in obvious locations, thinking we will never be able to find her – she’ll be a lump under a blanket, a pair of feet peaking from under the window curtain or the figure giggling behind the couch.  When we call her name, in response we will likely hear, “I here, I here!”  We’ll go through the motions of “seeking,” pretending we have no idea where she may be until, “Surprise!  I found you!”

We chuckle at these childish ideas and actions; yet many adults do the same with their heavenly Father, thinking they can get away from his presence and knowledge.

Some people think they can run from God.  They think they can move far enough to be outside His sight or even His reach, at least they act that way.  They will hide their sins, disguise their true motives, some may pray as if going through the motions or play church to keep up appearances.  This train of thought is crazy because God is omniscient – He is all seeing and all knowing. Some hope they can hide from God because He is a threat to the guilty and have something they don’t want anyone to discover.

I am so thankful that God sent His Son, Jesus, to be a perfect sacrifice for my sins.  I had a time in my life where I strayed from God.  I wouldn’t say that I ran from Him, but through multiple poor choices during my time on active duty, I strayed.  Luke 15, verses 3-7 tell the Parable of the Lost Sheep.  Our Shepherd, Jesus, finding that one has strayed from the flock seeks them out and carries them home on His shoulders, rejoicing at their return.

If you think about it, the Shepherd doesn’t have to play hide-and-seek with the lost sheep, He knows exactly where we are hiding with our feet peeking out from under the window curtains.  We just need to respond, “I’m here.  I want to return with you.”


PRAYER – Heavenly Father, I may be trying to hide a small portion of my life or even completely hide from you.  Thank you for continually seeking me and calling me to return to the flock.  Today I confess …


Pastor Vic Morrison


One Comment

    Wes Hershberger

    What a great truth. Thanks Victor for reminding us that Jesus knows where we are and he’s pursuing us. Now it’s time for me to run to him and say, “Here I am!”

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