We Are An Easter People

We Are An Easter People

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from heaven! Praise God on the heights! Praise God, all of you who are his messengers! Praise God, all of you who comprise his heavenly forces! Sun and moon, praise God! All of you bright stars, praise God! (Psalm 148:1-3, CEB)

I have talked in the past about my growth in appreciation for the rhythms of the Christian liturgical calendar. One such revelation was learning that in many corners of the Christian church, Easter is celebrated not just as one day, but as a season. In fact, on the Christian liturgical calendar, Easter season (sometimes called Eastertide) is celebrated for 50 days following Easter, the entire period leading up to Pentecost.

Since Easter, I have been thinking about what it looks like to celebrate Easter as a season. On this subject, one author I came across reflected,

“New life is breaking forth during every moment – whether are ready to receive it or not. New life is breaking forth whether we even recognize it or not. That great mystery takes time to absorb…” (Kiely Todd Roska)

Noticing these signs of new life takes practice. Many days the things that are wrong in our world dominate our attention. Bad news is all around us. The social media algorithms thrive on sensationalizing bad news.

Here in Psalm 148, we are called to praise God. In the light of the reality of Easter, this call is not about sticking our heads in the sand, singing Kumbaya, and pretending everything is great. It is because of Easter, because Jesus has been raised, that we can sing praise to God!

Regarding Easter season, author Henri Nouwen adds,

“The Easter season is a time of hope…light is breaking through. Something new is happening, something that goes beyond the changing moods of our life…Easter brings the awareness that God is present even when his presence is not directly noticed.”

To be an Easter people seems to be rooted in our awareness, what we pay attention to.

It is fitting that the Easter season is aligned with the Spring season. As I looked out my office window today, I noticed how the field next to me is greening up. In my yard, the lilacs buds are a promise of things to come. A few of our perennial flowers are sending up shoots in anticipation of blooms just around the corner.

I invite you to join with me in celebrating Easter as a season. All around us, both physically and spiritually, new life is breaking in.

Let us pray:

In this season of Easter, Lord please direct my attention.

Allow me to pay attention to the new life budding around me.

New life in the physical world, but also new spiritual life in your adopted children.

Show me how to be an Easter person, someone others see light and life through.

God, it is easy to focus on things that are wrong with the world.

Grow my awareness of how you are working in my life and in those around me.

May I spontaneously be led to praise you for all you have done, are doing, and will do.

May your praise always be on my lips and in my heart.

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

You are loved,

Pastor Shawn

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