Faith of a Child

Faith of a Child

Last week we recognized the first anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine.  I was privileged to have been ministering to Ukrainian refugees in Poland when the war reached its six-month milestone. A couple of weeks ago the Church of the Nazarene sent out an email that included a video of our compassionate ministry work supporting Ukrainian refugees.  Much of the video featured the work of the Sweet Surrender ministry in Poznan, Poland.  The last image in the video was of a little girl that stole my heart in Poland.  She had fled her home with her mother when the war began.

I got to work with her in play therapy groups and watched her with her mother during the week.  I believe she was about 3 years old.  I tried to imagine what she had experienced in the preceding six months.  She had left her home, with a war raging around her.  She had left her father behind, as he served in the Ukrainian military.  She had left behind anything that didn’t fit in her suitcase.  She had endured the masses of strangers working to cross the border.  She likely lived in refugee camps until she could make her way to Poznan where she could find warmth and protection in a state-provided apartment.  If any child had the right to fear the world and not trust anyone, that little girl should have succumbed to fear.  Instead she seemed at peace in the presence of her mom, an amazing woman who was faithful to take care of all her needs and to protect her from harm, while providing a sense of calm that allowed her child to find joy in her new life.  She had absolute faith in her mom.  I have video of her dancing with her mom.  It is a precious picture of childlike faith.

Matthew 18:3 “…and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Mark 10:14-15 (ESV) But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

Luke 18:17 (ESV) Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

Childlike faith . . .what is it?  What hinders us from embracing it?  Childlike faith is a little girl looking up at her mom, and trusting that she loves her enough to take care of her.  That is the kind of faith that God wants from us.  Do we believe that God is able and willing to take care of us when the world seems to be in chaos?  I’m mindful of when Peter left the boat to walk to Jesus on the water. (Matt. 14:22-31) While his eyes were on Jesus, Peter did the impossible – he walked on water.  When he shifted his eyes to the wind he sank.  After Jesus saved him from the waves he said, “You of little faith – Why did you doubt?”

What is the wind in your life?  There are many things happening in the world that can shake our faith if we let it – war, economic collapse, crime, division, and rampant sin to name a few.  We can be like Peter and feel overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the world around us.  I think I’d rather keep my eyes on the one that lets us call him Abba – Daddy.  I’d rather be like a little Ukrainian girl who looks up at her mom with assurance that she is safe and loved.  Her mom has earned that trust, and our Abba has earned our trust in an infinitely greater way.  Climb up in his lap this week and let His love envelop you.  You might even find yourself dancing.

If you want to watch the video CLICK HERE


Pastor Doug Jones

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