Worship Anywhere

Worship Anywhere

From an early age, I always looked forward to going to church because I loved to worship.  Throughout my years growing up in the church I was in the choir, sang specials, and helped lead worship. For me, worship was always connected with joining a group of people singing or just singing in front of a group of people with some of my favorite worship songs.  As I grew up I realized that worship wasn’t just raising my voice in praise and song.  I learned that worship could be defined in many ways; time in prayer, giving faithfully, recognizing the beauty of his creations, spending time in the Word, but I always come back to raising my voice in praise as my favorite.

This is my favorite form of worship because I can pick a song and sing it anywhere and talk to God through my worship. This is my time to use the words of a song to really let my soul share my needs, my praise, my joy, and simply things I sometimes don’t know who to articulate at the moment. Over the years I have had some favorite songs, ranging all the way from traditional hymns to Christian rap music. It simply depended on the lyrics of the song.  Sometimes I look up the lyrics to be sure I can articulate my praise word for word.  I have been known to print out lyrics of songs and use them for quiet moments with God even. During my ministry, I have brought lyrics to songs as I meet with people if I know they are going through something in which I believe the song would help them pour it out to God or find comfort in Christ.

One of the songs I have had replaying in my car lately has been, I’m Listening by Chris Mc Clarney with Hollyn.  We are now a year out from when the craziest year of many of our lives began, yet sometimes I find myself still thinking about the losses and let the world’s details get in my head. There is still some deep sorrow associated with the past year and there are still storms ahead, but we have to be reminded that all those things can be storms around us yet we should not lose hope. I encourage you to find your song of worship this week or look up the song, I’m Listening.  I have shared a small portion of the lyrics below.  This section of the song has been the portion I lay at the feet of Christ lately and I hope it speaks to you this week.

When sorrows roar and troubles rage
You whisper peace
When I don’t have the words to say
I won’t lose hope
When storms won’t break
You keep Your word
Oh, and Your promises will keep me safe

Oh, I don’t wanna miss one word You speak
‘Cause everything You say is life to me
Oh, I don’t wanna miss one word You speak
So quiet my heart, I’m listening

**I’m Listening by Chris Mc Clarney


“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” — John 14:27

Pastor Hope

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