Striving to be Your Best

Striving to be Your Best

I wouldn’t trade my eight years in the Army for anything.  My military experience helped shape me into the man I am today.  I have very few regrets related to those years, but I do have regrets.

Because of my military experience, I enjoy watching military-based movies and TV shows.  Most recently I’ve enjoyed watching the series on Fox called Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.  If you haven’t seen the show, it’s filmed in the Jordanian desert, not far from where Garrett was stationed on his last deployment.  A group of 16 celebrities face challenges from the Special Forces playbook as they participate in a ten-day simulated Special Forces Selection process.  There’s no cash prize for the winner, just the acknowledgement of completion for each participant that pushed themselves to finish the ultimate test of their physical, mental and emotional resilience, revealing their deepest and truest character.

In Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, He commands His listeners, as well as us, to “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).  He speaks of something not obtained through our efforts, but through faith and reliance upon Christ.  As a follower of Christ, this quality of excellence and the desire to be and do one’s best has been implanted within our souls.  When we invite the indwelling of the Spirit through repentance and acceptance of salvation, we desire to change those things in our lives that do not reflect the character of Christ – we strive towards excellence.

We must remember that excellence is not perfection, but the pursuit of perfection.  It is that continual pursuit that Christ was referring to when He said, “Be perfect.”  Excellence is not being the best; it is becoming our best.  Christ is calling us to the process of becoming the best man or woman we can in all areas of our lives.  It is only through God’s grace that we can reach perfection.

Watching one of the smallest and even by her own admission “weakest of the participants” continue to push herself beyond even what she thought was possible to be one of only two participants to complete Selection, made me reflect on my military career.  I regret that rather than pushing myself to be my very best, I chose to give in, often too soon, when tested.

I pray that I’ve learned from past experiences and will continue to relentlessly pursue my Father’s desire for my life of perfection.

Heavenly Father, please search my soul and help me to identify any area of my life I have neglected to give you full control.  Help me Lord to push myself beyond what I think I can handle in pursuit of excellence, a goal that can only be reached through your grace.  I confess to you today that…


Rev. Vic Morrison