Spiritual Habits

Spiritual Habits

As I sit at home this morning (which doesn’t happen often) and look outside, I am reminded to take a deep breath and appreciate what’s around me.  It only takes a few seconds to look around you.  What makes me smile?  What brings me joy? This morning it is seeing green grass, spring is coming, endless trees in the forest, I can hear our rooster crowing.  These things are always here, just waiting for me to pause and notice.


As we continue through this season of lent it is our challenge to stop! Create space in the middle of life’s responsibilities and chaos to appreciate what is always there—God’s presence.  Lent is a tool to help us be aware of God’s voice and his sacrificial love.  To remember to center our life on what matters most:  Christ, the one who made me and died for me.


As we enter spring, a season associated with new beginnings, it sometimes is the nudge we need to evaluate our spiritual habits. Resurrection Sunday is coming, what practices are you going to put into place during this season, and make part of your daily life for years to come.  Make space for Christ. He is always there ready to bring you joy.


Look around and make space for what matters. Luke 4:8 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’


Jordan Roth

Children’s Ministries