Wednesday March 18 Update

Wednesday March 18 Update

Dear Church Family,

We are working on the weekly e-newsletter which will be distributed later this week. In light of recent events, be looking for a streamlined newsletter format to get you the key information you need. However, there are few things we need to communicate with you today, please see below.

Wednesday Night Activities
In case you weren’t sure, all regularly scheduled Wednesday night activities are suspended until further notice. Pastor Hope and Pastor Shawn are going to provide a way for children and teens to connect online this evening.  We invite families and students to download the Zoom app on your device or navigate your web browser to the address below to join at 6:45pm.

Children Zoom Info
Join Pastor Hope tonight online with ZOOM to sing a song together and give back to the community through letters to our local care centers.  Gather up your paper, pencils, crayons, markers and envelopes at home to join me! We will have a special letter writing for one person in particular, but during the live event Pastor Hope will have addresses to other centers you can mail cards too as well.
SFNAZ Children’s Zoom Meeting Link (or enter this meeting ID after tapping Join a Meeting in the Zoom app 957-906-2416)

Teens Zoom Info
Pastor Shawn wants to see your faces online today and discuss how we all are doing as we practice social distancing.  We’ll share “pows” and “wows” and Shawn will point you in the direction of some resources to be aware of in the days ahead while you are stuck at home.  We’ll only meet for about 30 minutes, but you won’t want to miss it.
SFNAZ Youth Group Gathering Link (or enter this meeting ID after tapping Join a Meeting in the Zoom app 966-426-6598)

Wednesday Night Bible Study Eric Metaxas Event
Tonight’s meeting at Whitworth University with author and speaker Eric Metaxas has been postponed.  Stay tuned for updates regarding when this event gets rescheduled.

Office Hours
While the building is closed to public meetings, and we want to encourage social distancing and avoiding non-essential exposure, we are still minimally staffing the church office during normal business hours (Mon-Thu 9am-4pm). You can call or visit during these hours and speak with a staff member. The church office phone number is (509)467-8986.

Building Sanitizing
So we are ready when we get the word we can resume normal operations, a small team of  volunteers worked through the morning sanitizing surfaces throughout the building with a hospital grade sanitizer. While perfectly safe, with this in mind, until further notice the leadership team wants to limit ALL building traffic to ADULTS ONLY.

Pastoral Connection Phone Line
Most of you received a robocall from Pastor Shawn last Saturday with a reminder we were not meeting in person on Sunday morning. The phone number this call was received from will now also serve as a way of reaching the pastoral team.  By calling (509)239-7849 you can reach a 24 hour voice message service which will allow you to reach the pastoral team directly. During regular business hours we encourage you to call the church office, but in this time of uncertainty we want to provide another way of staying connected. We encourage you to call with prayers and praises; but during this time of social distancing, also call if you need assistance with grocery pickup, medication pickup, etc. When requested, the pastoral team will do our best to return your calls in a timely manner.

Please know we are praying for you, the church, the body of Christ. We can’t wait until we can once again be together face-to-face, but until then as best we can we want to help us all stay connected!

As one of my former pastors used to say, “Hang’st Thou In There!”

Grace and Peace,
Your Pastoral Team