The Middle Way

The Middle Way

34 “I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. 35 This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.” (John 13:34-35 CEB)

John Wesley was a pastor and theologian who lived in the 1700s. Many affirm that the Church of the Nazarene grew out of the evangelistic movement originally started by Wesley. In Wesley’s teachings, he often emphasized the idea of the middle way; he would refer to this concept using the Latin phrase “via media.”

Wesley found himself ministering in England during a time where there was much division among Christian groups. The Puritans, the Anglicans, the Catholics, and the Protestants all pushed their own ideas and perspectives. Wesley worked hard to find common ground with all these groups. In one of his sermons he wrote, “Though we cannot all think alike, may we not all love alike.”

In this season of life, like in Wesley’s day, there are many differing opinions among Christians. We don’t all agree on politics, we don’t all agree on what the church’s response to COVID-19 should be. But my prayer along with Wesley is that amid differing opinions that we could all be known first for our love.

There’s an old chorus that we used to sing, unfortunately, it sings like a melancholy dirge, so I know why we don’t sing it much anymore. However, the repeated refrain is “they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” As we continue through the Advent season may we put on love and love each other deeply. In doing so a weary world will catch a glimpse of the hope of Christ in us.  Will you pray with me?

Lord make me an instrument of your peace. May the love of Christ rule in our hearts and lead us to a middle way with our brothers and sisters. Grow in us a love for our neighbors that draws people to your saving grace. Thank you for your deep love for us. As we relive the story, we look forward with anticipation to your arrival at Christmas.

-Pastor Shawn

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