Steadfast Love

Steadfast Love

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,

“therefore I will hope in him.”

Lamentations 3:22–24 (NRSV)


There’s an old chorus that is running through my head as I type this, the song lyrics are these verses from Lamentations 3 set to music. The refrain begins, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” In the midst of the craziness that 2020 has brought, I need this reminder and promise wrapped up in one statement. The “faithful love” of the Lord “hasn’t ended” (as the CEB states it). We get the phrase “faithful love” or “steadfast love” in English from the translation of the Hebrew word “hesed.”

I do not claim to be a Hebrew scholar. I know just enough to be dangerous. However, if there is one Hebrew word that the more I’ve learned about it, the more I love the word, this word is “hesed.” Pronounced with a slightly guttural “h” (a little like your clearing your throat). The word is challenging to translate into English. There are numerous ways you will find the word rendered in various translations; loving-kindness, long-suffering, mercy, faithfulness, loyalty. However, I’m drawn to the most common NRSV translation “steadfast love.”

God’s steadfast love hasn’t ended, in fact, it is “new every morning.” No matter how bad a day this day may be, each day is a new opportunity for God to demonstrate his love for each of us.

“Hesed” also carries the additional meaning that this “steadfast love” is available from God regardless of whether we deserve it. Similar to the language of “grace” in the New Testament, where we can’t do anything to earn God’s steadfast love, it is offered as a gift to us all.

“Hesed” also is not only some sense of sentimental love it involves action on behalf of another. This is most obviously demonstrated in the self-sacrificial love God demonstrates on the cross. In a very real sense, Jesus is the actual embodiment of “hesed.”

One author challenges us to acknowledge the appropriate response to this steadfast love is “to recall God’s hesed (e.g., Ps. 106:7), to hope (e.g., Ps. 33:18) and trust (e.g., Ps. 13:5) in it, and to proclaim it (e.g., Ps. 92:2; Isa. 63:7) with singing (e.g., Ps. 59:16–17) and rejoicing (e.g., Ps. 31:7)”

As Lamentations concludes, “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

Will you pray with me?

Lord thank you for your steadfast love. When everything around us seems uncertain, you are faithful. Your steadfast love never ceases. Your steadfast love is renewed every morning. Remind us of your love for us in the past, may it give us hope as we walk with you into uncertain futures.

Pastor Shawn

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