Learning & Growth Opportunities (All ages) ……………..9:30am
Worship Service ……………………………………………………………………… 10:45am
- Congratulations to newly elected board member, Eric Zahl. We are thankful and excited to see how God uses him on our church board. Please continue to pray for him as well as the rest
of our board members as they listen for the way God is leading his church.
- Delegates elected to represent SFNAZ at NW District Assembly & Festival of Missions: Wyatt Aller, Carol & Ken Fuller, Casandra Hershberger, Jeanne & Wayne Kalbfleisch, Roger Long, Marcy Morrison, Jana Shea, Kipp & Mazine Silver, and Eric Zahl.
- David Dixon is putting together an Easter ensemble (all ages are invited) to sing on Easter Sunday. If you love to sing and are available on Thursday evenings to rehearse, please contact David Dixon (
- Housing: SFNAZ benevolence was informed that Susan Dingle had attended the west side NAZ & SFNAZ with her friend Norm Evans. Norm passed away unexpectedly, and now relatives of Norm are requiring Susan to leave the residence so they can sell the house to pay bills. Susan is currently on a fixed income of $800.00/month. She has no friends or relatives that she can go to. Also, assisted living organizations have a 1-5yr wait. She is looking for a room to stay in for a while. She has no cats or dogs. If anyone is interested in providing a room for Susan, please call her at 425-765-6991. Benevolence & SFNAZ has not checked any reference for Susan.
- Do you like to cook? If so we are looking for people to join our meal train team. We would occasionally call on individuals to prepare and deliver a meal to someone in need. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact the church office (
SENIOR LUNCHEON ~ Wednesday, March 8th – 12pm
- Join us at Old European. Call Roberta to RSVP 509-325-0711.
WHAT IN THE WORLD IS A NAZARENE? ~ Begins March 8th – 6:30pm-7:45pm
- If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of SFNAZ, Pastor Wes will be having a 3-session class on Wednesday evenings beginning March 8th in the Holy Grounds. Click here to register!
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 2023 ~ Begins Sunday, March 12th
- Don’t forget to spring forward!
- Looking for something fun to do this spring as we thaw out? Join us for some friendly shooting clay competition For more information, contact Scott Fuller (509-879-6670).
BECOMING THE GUEST WORKSHOP ~ Saturday, March 18th – 9:30am-11am
- Join Grant Zweigle, Missionary Training Coordinator for the Church of the Nazarene for the workshop “Becoming the Guest: Developing the abilities of a cross cultural missionary for engaging your community.” continental breakfast will be served. Sign up at the missions kiosk or Click here to register!
- Guest speaker: Grant Zweigle, DMin, Missionary Training Coordinator, Church of the Nazarene
WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER ~ March 22nd – 5:30pm-6:30pm
- Join us for dinner before church. Dinner will be prepared by NYC students and parents and donations will go towards their trip to Nazarene Youth Conference 2023.
NYC BRUNCH ~ Sunday, March 26th – 12pm
- Stay after church for brunch and a time of fellowship. Brunch will be prepared by NYC students and parents and donations will go towards their trip to Nazarene Youth Conference 2023.
ORGAN POPS CONCERT ~ Friday, March 31st – 7pm
- Presented by SFNTOS featuring Jelani Eddington. Free admission.
- Palm Sunday | April 2nd
- Learning & Growth @ 9:30am
- Morning Worship @ 10:45am
- Good Friday | April 7th
- Good Friday Service @ 7pm
- Easter Sunday | April 9th
- Morning Worship @ 10:45am
- No Learning & Growth
Tithes & Offering
Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving tithes & offering.
1. Online giving is available here.
2. You may mail your check directly to the church
Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99218
3. Give By Text – Text the dollar amount to (833) 948-2179 and follow the prompts.
Faithfulness in giving
Raised Expenses +/-
General $ 549,400 $ 534,600 $ +14,800
Missions $ 53,500 $ 52,450 $ +1,050
(As of January 31, 2023)
Thank you for giving generously to your church general fund. Your faithful giving helps to meet our budgeted expenses.
Prayer Chain by Email – Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (
Prayer for District Churches
- March 5: St. Maries & Troy
- March 12: Walla Walla Amazing Grace & Walla Walla Valley Cowboy
- March 19: Wapato & Wenatchee First
- March 26: Yakima Bethel & Yakima New Hope Community
Missions Prayer Requests
- March 5: Transkei & Trinidad & Tobago
- March 12: Uganda & El Salvador
- March 19: Eritrea & Ethiopia
- March 26: Zambia & Ukraine
- Pastor Wes & Casandra Hershberger
- Susan & Doug Wold
- Tracy Aronson
- Melba Hull
- Allen Van Dyke
- Don Chamber’s mother passed away February 14th. Please continue to pray for Don & Lorraine as well as the rest of the Chambers family.
Adult ministries
Adult Learning & Growth ~ Sunday – 9:30am
- Highlights of the Gospel of John (Fireside Room)
- “Unshakable Faith” by Max Lucado (Library)
Young Adult Bible Study (Ages 18-24) ~ Mondays – 7pm | Conference Room
- New study on relationships beginning. For more information, please see Brandon & Nicole Chambers.
Men’s Group ~ Tuesdays – 6pm
- The Tuesday night men’s group would like to again extend an invitation to join them on Tuesday nights at 6pm in person in the Fireside Room. The group rotates weekly between topical discussion, marriage, church history/apologetics, and scriptural study.
- For further information or questions, please contact Randy Coffey at (509) 570-4026.
Adult Bible Studies ~ Wednesdays 6:30pm – 7:45pm
- Adult Bible Study ~ “Isaiah’s Prophecies of Christ” in the Fireside Room. Visitors welcome! This class is also available via Zoom. Click here to join Adult Bible Study on Zoom or enter the meeting ID 9664266598 after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app.
- Adult Bible Study ~ “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan in the Library
- Men’s Bible Study ~ “The Truth Project” in the Conference Room.
We have been so blessed to have a growing children’s ministry department. With that growth in the ministry, we are in desperate need of volunteers to continue the ministry to our children and pre-teens. If you can give of your time (one or two times a month) for the following areas, please contact Jordan (
- Check-in Counter, Wednesday Night 6:10-7:45 on a rotational basis.
- Wednesday night hall greeter on a rotational basis.
- Nursery-Toddlers
- PreK – Kindergarten Class (3 year old potty trained through Kindergarten)
- Learning & Growth: 1st-3rd and 4th-5th grade classes
- Nursery-Toddlers (Infant through 3 non-potty trained years old)
- 1st-5th grade Children’s Church– dismissed after worship in the sanctuary.
Wednesday Night Schedule ~ 6:30pm – 7:45pm
- Nursery: Infant through 3 years
- If’s, And’s & But’s: PreK/Kindergarten
- Small Groups for all 1st-5th: Gather in E6 for lesson all together then break out into small groups. Finish in the gym with snacks and games.
March 5th 12:00-2:30: 4th and 5th grade lunch and bowling
March 24th 10:00-11:30 Moms Fellowship- bring your little ones to play in the gym and join other moms for a time to share a treat, hot drink and chat.
- As many of you know, for many years on the 4th Wednesday of the month the children Kindergarten- 6th grade have participated in a ministry called Hands and Feet. This is a way for them to minister and give back within our church, the Spokane community and even outside the US. There are so many ways to serve.We are reaching out to you, our church family for help. How can you help?
- Would you like to spearhead one of these evenings? The commitment would be one Wednesday 6:30-8:00, and whatever time it takes to set up. Be in charge. (We will make sure you have plenty of help)
- Do you have a great idea of a way the kids can serve? Please share your ideas and we will find someone to take the lead.
- Show up to help in any way needed! No planning needed. Just come and be a light to the kids.
Dates needed in 2023
April 26th
May 24th - If you can help in one of these areas, please let me know.
Jordan (
Check out the Naz Kids monthly newsletter at the kid’s kiosk!
ATTENTION 6—12 GRADERS join us every week up the in the Youth Loft for:
Wednesday Night Youth Group 6:30-7:45PM
Sunday morning Learning and Growth 9:30-10:15AM
Sunday, March 5 12-3:00 MS ONLY & HS ONLY hang outs. High School at the Snyder’s. Middle School at the Gunther’s. Be sure and sign up on the youth sign up page.
Wednesday, March 15 Youth Group CHALLENGE NIGHT! 6:30-8. Come, compete & bring a friend = Free Dutch Bros & Cafe drink coupon
MARCH 17-19 Breakthrough event. Join us as we gather as a district and spend the weekend worshiping, learning and playing. Register online at: and then let Karen Snyder know you have registered and turn your money into the church.
Wednesday, March 22 5:30-6:30 Dinner served by the NYC students. Come and enjoy some fellowship and yummy dinner, bring your donation for the NCY students earning their way to Tampa Bay this summer for a national youth conference.
Saturday, March 25 Teen Bible Quizzing Meet
Sunday, March 26 12:00 join us after church in the Holy Grounds Cafe for Brunch served by the teens & a time of community building. Donations will help support our youth students headed to NYC youth conference this summer.
Sunday, March 26 Winter Jam Concert. All students 6th-12th grade are invited! 4:30-9:30. $15. check the youth sign up page to RSVP.
Worship Ministry Updates
Worship Team
- If you have an interest in being a part of the Sunday morning worship team, reach out to David Dixon. We are always interested in exploring how different people’s musical gifts fit into our weekly worship rhythms.
Audio/Visual Media Team
- Are you a techie or creative person, or both? We are always looking to train additional people in how to run our sound system and live streaming system. Or are you interested in helping us create video content to use online or during services let’s talk!
If you are interested in being a part of any of the opportunities listed above in worship ministry, please let David Dixon know.
David can be reached at