Out the Window

Out the Window

This past week our view out the window changed quickly.  One day it was sunny and slightly warm for the season, the next it was a winter wonderland. In our home, the view out the window has a different perception for me versus my husband, Chris.  When he sees snow he is like a small child getting a gift that has fallen from the sky, and when I see the snow it is like an oppressive heavy coat I have to deal with as it weighs me down and restricts my movement. It is always a big joke in our family as I have to put away my beloved flip-flops and Chris is getting his ski boots out.  While we both may have very different initial feelings when that first snowfall arrives, we are able to understand each other’s joy and sorrow as the changes occur.

It may seem silly to some that I feel slight sorrow when I see snow, but it is a true feeling that I cannot shake.  Alternately, it is such a joyful experience for Chris that he cannot cover his excitement up either. So how do we cope with each other you may ask?  It may be a silly thing to ask how we “cope” with each other over a difference of opinion of enjoying the weather, but in our house, we could make each other pretty miserable with our teasing one another if we let that happen. This brings me to where I want to stop and think awhile with you.

As we are in a time in our world where there is a lot of division and debate over who is right or wrong, where do we as Christians stand? As I thought on this question I began to think of the examples Jesus set as he walked on the earth besides all types of people. I reflected on His compassion and His call on the disciples.  In Matthew chapter 9 Jesus had performed miracles, taught his disciples what it meant to show compassion, and taught them to love; regardless of differences in thought.

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:35-38

As we begin to move into a season that is to be one of thankfulness and harvest, I ask you how are you working to lead those around you to the Great Shepherd?  Is your difference in opinion closing your ear off to them and causing them to turn away from Christ before you can even share the truth? I challenge you to read the whole chapter 9 of Matthew this week. Find which part of the chapter you relate with the most in the challenging times we are living in today.  Where do you need to be moved by Christ to action for such a time as this?  I pray that this week is one filled with God moments that provide opportunities for listening to the differences around us. Opportunities where we may be able to lead those we interact with to the Great Shepherd.



Pastor Hope Terhaar

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