One Plus One Equals One

One Plus One Equals One

One plus one equals…wait! ONE


Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.


Math in the Bible sometimes doesn’t work the way we expect it to work. Some of the most important elements about God don’t stack up like a box of Legos does, because we’re exploring elements that expand across the mortal threshold into the GOD-SPACE. As much as we try to decode these principles we will fail. For example, Father, Spirit, Son equals ONE…Nope! not in my mind. No matter how hard I try to shape it by making it fit to my finite understanding it just won’t squeeze in because of my limited understanding.


I’ve been thinking a lot about the UNITY of the believers lately because the last three messages I have preached, have taken us into this thought even in ways I didn’t anticipate. In a very cool way, we get to step into the God-space and participate in some eternal principles that break down in our human-centered world. We get to demonstrate this God-space in a way that reflects God’s holiness through our own lives as the collective.


The unity of believers is something that exceeds rationale. It’s weird for people to submit to each other in Christian love preferring the other over themselves. It’s weird for people to promote each other without reciprocation. It’s weird for people to serve someone who can’t offer them anything in return. It’s weird for people to put their own interest aside for the sake of another. It’s weird for someone to forgive a person who has inflicted deep personal injury on them. It’s weird for someone to love their enemy. Yet, all of these weird things happen without impediment in the Church as an ordinary behavior. All of these things create a supernatural reality that we call UNITY.


It’s so beautiful to get to be a part of a UNITY like this were ONE + ONE = ONE.


Prayer for today: Father, may the same Spirit that causes the Trinity to be ONE, work in our church so that we, together, become ONE. Amen.


Pastor Wes