Church News (Page 19)
SFNAZ Newsletter 09/02/2021
Upcoming EVents SFNAZ FAMILY CAMP – September 3rd – 6th Would you like to join SFNAZ Family Camp for the day? We will have Chapel Saturday and Sunday at 10:30am at the outdoor chapel (see the map). Also, we will be on Coeur d’Alene lake to play and fellowship each day between 1:30pm-5:30pm. Daytime visitors are allowed with an $8 per person charge. A waiver form must also be signed at the welcome center. Email Pastor Hope ( if you…
SFNAZ Newsletter 08/26/2021
August 29th: – Serve Day SFNAZ Contact: Pooler Family Locations: NW Connect Ministry House & SFNAZ Gym After Morning Worship Service, join us in the gym for a quick lunch and then help serve others. Sign up to paint or pull staples @ the NW Connect Ministry House (8 – 10 more helpers needed)or help in the gym making fleece blankets for our homeless community. Pastor Gary will not be having his discipleship class this coming Sunday in order to…
SFNAZ Newsletter 08/19/2021
Click here to view the pastoral devotional. Only 2 more Sunday Summer Socials left! See the remaining dates and locations below! August 22, 2021 – Hot Dog Picnic & Waterslide SFNAZ Contact: Wintersteen Family Location: Spokane First Church Church Lawn – Come enjoy a hot dog roast with an inflatable waterslide, slip n’ slide, and sand volleyball. Come enjoy fellowship in the sun. August 29th: – Serve Day SFNAZ Contact: Pooler Family Location: Various Locations After Morning…
The Battle for the Kingdom
We aren’t fighting against human enemies but against rulers, authorities, forces of cosmic darkness, and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens. (Ephesians 6:12) A quick look in just about any direction these days and conflict seems to be ruling the day. Whether we look to politics in our country or reflect on the larger world scene, we are clearly steeped in a struggle. Too often we are quick to single out individuals to whom we wish to assign blame,…
SFNAZ Newsletter 08/12/2021
Sunday, August 15, 2021 This week, Phil & Monica Carr will visit SFNAZ and share the wonderful things God is doing in Africa. They will be our guest speakers at 9:30am. Phil and Monica Carr are global missionaries with the Church of the Nazarene and are currently serving on the Africa Central Field and living in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Phil serves as the Field Education Coordinator and Clergy Development while Monica is serving as…
SFNAZ Newsletter 08/05/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL SEARCH UPDATE SFNAZ Sunday Summer Socials are in full swing! Since we were so disconnected last summer due to COVID, this year, we want to be intentional about reconnecting the body of the church during the summer months. Each Sunday this summer from July 11th – August 29th we have our 9:30am Morning Worship Service, followed by a Sunday Summer Social event at various locations around Spokane. See the remaining dates and locations…
SFNAZ Pastoral Search Update
Last Sunday I announced that Pastor John W. Morden will serve as our interim pastor. Arriving the first of September, Pastor Morden will minister to the congregation and will assist the Board in completing the search. His wife, Carole and he have three sons and seven grandchildren. He comes to us from the St. Louis area and is well-experienced in working with churches experiencing a senior pastoral change. One component of the search preparation is a “Church Assessment” which will…
SFNAZ Newsletter 07/29/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ Sunday Summer Socials are in full swing! Since we were so disconnected last summer due to COVID, this year, we want to be intentional about reconnecting the body of the church during the summer months. Each Sunday this summer from July 11th – August 29th we have our 9:30am Morning Worship Service, followed by a Sunday Summer Social event at various locations around Spokane. See the remaining dates and locations below!…
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens… Ecclesiastes 3:1 We each process change differently. Some of us are just wired to be more adaptable, we can go with the flow, and don’t get overly anxious about unknowns. Others of us like to know exactly what is going to happen, and how and when it is going to happen. Regardless of what type of person you are, the reality is that as a…
SFNAZ Newsletter 07/22/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. We are kicking off a new ministry for our church this Summer! Since we were so disconnected last summer due to COVID, this year, we want to be intentional about reconnecting the body of the church during the summer months. Each Sunday this summer from July 11th – August 29th we will have our 9:30am Morning Worship Service, followed by a Sunday Summer Social event at various locations around Spokane. Over the…
Newsletter Devotional: July 22, 2021
On July 11 we started a new Sunday School Class that meets at 11:00AM in the Fireside Room on the book of Philippians. We began by reading Philippians in its entirety, aloud as a class, all four chapters in succession. Then we read together a brief summary of the Book of Philippians as follows: Philippians 1 – The Advancing Gospel, Philippians 2 – Imitate Christ, Philippians 3 – Pressing Onward, Philippians 4 – Rejoice in the Lord. To end our…
SFNAZ Newsletter 07/15/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. We are kicking off a new ministry for our church this Summer! Since we were so disconnected last summer due to COVID, this year, we want to be intentional about reconnecting the body of the church during the summer months. Each Sunday this summer from July 11th – August 29th we will have our 9:30am Morning Worship Service, followed by a Sunday Summer Social event at various locations around Spokane. Over the…