Church News (Page 18)
State of Exhaustion
Last week our family traveled to Nashville to tour colleges as our daughter (Dakota) is in the process of making important decisions regarding her future. We toured three universities, received tons of information, asked questions, and ate their cafeteria food. As we toured the schools Dakota developed opinions about each of them; whether it be the living quarters, quality of the food, impression of the professors, or simply the look of the campus. At the end of each day, we…
SFNAZ Newsletter 10/14/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. FALL FESTIVAL COMMUNITY EVENT- Wednesday, October 27th- 6-9pm This will be an inter-generational outreach event for our church members and the community. We will have live music, hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, inflatable, face painting, and much more! If you are interested in helping at this event, sign up at the All-Church Ministries kiosk. There will be no Bible studies, Youth Group, or Children’s Mid-week activities on 10/27. BENEVOLENCE SUNDAY – October 31st…
Everything is Naked
12 because God’s word is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates to the point that it separates the soul from the spirit and the joints from the marrow. It’s able to judge the heart’s thoughts and intentions. 13 No creature is hidden from it, but rather everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we have to give an answer. (Hebrews 4:12-13 CEB) I’ve heard that it is common for those who do…
Newsletter 10/07/2021
Click here to view the pastoral devotional. WORLD HOMELESS DAY – Sunday, October 10th On October 10th at 1pm, you’re invited to join UGM (Union Gospel Mission) for a prayer walk through downtown Spokane. Pray for the homeless, pray for the city, offer hope. The walk begins at Mosaic Church, 606 W 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA For more info, visit CHOPPED ALL-CHURCH COOKING COMPETITION – Sunday, October 10th – 4pm Come to watch and cheer on the 12 teams…
Newsletter Devotional 10/07/2021
“Everything we say and do, everything we commit ourselves to, and every situation, location, and relationship we experience is experienced between the already and the not yet. You will never understand the things you face every day until you understand that you live in the middle. Everything in your life is shaped by what the middle is like. Knowing that you are living between the already and the not yet tells you where you are located in God’s story of…
Newsletter 09/30/2021
NCS CHURCH ASSESSMENT RESULTS Wednesday, October 6th – 6:30pm All attenders are invited to join us in the Sanctuary to hear the results of the church assessment that was completed in August. There will be no Adult Bible Study or Youth Group. There will be regular mid-week activities for children, nursery – 6th grade. NEW BIBLE STUDY FOR WOMEN & TEEN GIRLS All women & teens girls (7th grade & above) are invited to sign up for our next Bible…
SFNAZ Newsletter 09/23/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. Upcoming EVents ALABASTER SUNDAY – September 26th Bring your loose change (dollar bills and checks marked “Alabaster” work as well) for the wheelbarrows on September 26th. Alabaster Offerings help fund buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. COMMUNION SUNDAY – Sunday, September 26th – 9:30am Join is in the sharing of communion during morning worship. COMMUNITY LIFE GATHERING – Sunday, September 26th This is an intergenerational gathering to reconnect the…
The Light in You
Jesus spoke to the people again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me won’t walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12, CEB) Some of you are aware that last weekend I was able to participate in my thirty-year high school class reunion. With that information, you can now do the math to determine my age. 😊 I graduated from a small high school, only 41 of us in my class. I…
SFNAZ Newsletter 09/16/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. Upcoming EVents ADULT DISCIPLESHIP CLASS – Sunday, September 19th – 11am Pastor Gary Woodroof will continue the Bible Study on the Book of Philippians in the Fireside Room. ALABASTER SUNDAY – September 26th Bring your loose change (dollar bills and checks marked “Alabaster” work as well) for the wheelbarrows on September 26th. Alabaster Offerings help fund buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. Alabaster boxes are available at the missions…
Feeling Less Than
We have all had those moments in life when we have felt less than, unseen, or even unimportant. As a Christian growing up in the church, I thought this feeling of less than might have been the result of a lack of faith. I also wondered if it was related to not being close enough to God or not as actively engaged in the church community as I could have been. Possibly it was my human nature of not admitting…
SFNAZ Newsletter 09/09/2021
Click here to view the Pastoral Devotional. Upcoming EVents WELCOME RECEPTION – Sunday, September 12th (after service) Join us as we welcome the new Interim Pastor John Morden. He will be preaching at 9:30am followed by a reception in the gym. JERRY NELSON IN CONCERT – Sunday, September 12th – 6pm Pasadena Park Nazarene Church is inviting everyone to a concert featuring pianist, Jerry Nelson. The concert will begin at 6pm at 8822 E Upriver Drive, Spokane, WA ADULT DISCIPLESHIP…
Newsletter Devotional September 9, 2021
Exodus 20:1-3 20:1 “And God spoke all these words, saying, 2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” 3 “You shall have no other gods before me.” Most commentators believe this is God speaking directly to all the people! Hebrews 12:18-25 supports that thought. “You have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire; to darkness, gloom and storm; 19 to a…