You know how it is when things in the house start breaking. It would be easier if each of us could get new appliances every 5 years. I say 5 years because you are lucky if your small appliances last that long. The last toaster I bought was a cheapie one from Walmart. I think I paid $5.   When I bought the last toaster oven I put my $5 toaster away, just in case.  Sure enough, the toaster oven quit working in a short time, and out comes my Walmart toaster. I wasn’t really happy with it. It was black. I wanted a red one to match the mixer. I go to my favorite place online and found this red toaster. I thought wow that is just what I wanted. I put the old black Walmart toaster back on the shelf-just in case.  In 2 days my new red toaster comes. I can’t wait to set it on the counter and just look at it. It really matches my red mixer! The next morning I put my bread in the new red toaster and when the bread is pushed down to toast this blue light comes on around the whole toaster. I am in hog Heaven. It is very pretty. I call Wyatt in to look at this cool red toaster with the blue LED light shining brightly.  I am hoping with the blue LED light on it that it will last a long time. What is considered a long time for a red toaster with a blue LED light? I have no idea. I do still have my black Walmart toaster, just in case. I didn’t buy the insurance.  Maybe it will be like our Mr. Coffee maker, that every time it breaks down, Wyatt fixes it. I won’t tell you how old it is.

Some things you can replace very easily. Other things in life take me longer to consider changing.  Like my Bible Study. I liked my old one, but a while back was given a new different Bible Study. It’s not that the new one is so different. It’s more like it is like a favorite robe that you love. Or an old pair of shoes that look awful, but are so comfortable you hate to get rid of them. I finally am on the same page as everyone else on staff with the Bible Study. I think I can now say I like it. I use it daily. I put the Scripture on my phone usually in the Message version, grab a prayer list, and my keys, and off I go walking at about 5:45 am.  Of course, I put my step counter on the phone too, so I know I walk a minimum of 1 mile. I love the Smartphone! It does so much. So in with the new and keep some of the old.

I love reading my Bible! Are you aware of how unique the Bible is? Of course, it is God’s inspired Word. The Bible is more than 1 book. It is actually 66 books. It contains history, prophecy, poetry, wisdom, letters, literature and so much more.

The 66 books were written by 40 authors. The authors came from different backgrounds like shepherds, kings, and prophets. Most of the authors never met each other.

The Bible was written over 1500 years in three different languages which are Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic on three different Continents which are Africa, Asia, and Europe.

What excites me is that the Bible shares a common story. The creation, fall, and redemption of God’s people. God’s message is the same today as it was 2000 years ago.  Repent of your sins and love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.

So the old, which is the Bible, is mixed in with the new-which is my smartphone, and read in whatever language I want to use and whatever version I want to read.

I believe this is a monumental feat in itself. One of the things I like about this Bible Study is that there is a place to write down what God is telling you!  Be sure to listen to what He is saying to you!  God talks to all of us!


Pastor Wanda

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