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SFNAZ Newsletter – 03/26/2020

Click here to read this week’s Pastoral Devotional   Sunday, march 29, 2020 Pastor Bill will be teaching: “A Resurrected People” – John 5:25-29 With the recent Stay Home Stay Healthy order, we are doing worship a little different this weekend, but we’ll still gather online at 11AM. We’ll hear a sermon from Pastor Bill, and worship led by David Dixon’s many talents, but we’ll all be worshiping with you from home. You’ll connect the same way you have the…

SFNAZ Newsletter 03/19/2020

Click here to view this week’s Pastoral Devotional All planned activities, gatherings, and events are currently postponed. Each week, we will evaluate the situation and keep you all posted on any date changes and rescheduled events. Office Hours While the building is closed to public meetings, and we want to encourage social distancing and avoiding non-essential exposure, we are still minimally staffing the church office during normal business hours (Mon-Thu 9am-4pm). You can call or visit during these hours and…

Wednesday March 18 Update

Dear Church Family, We are working on the weekly e-newsletter which will be distributed later this week. In light of recent events, be looking for a streamlined newsletter format to get you the key information you need. However, there are few things we need to communicate with you today, please see below. Wednesday Night Activities In case you weren’t sure, all regularly scheduled Wednesday night activities are suspended until further notice. Pastor Hope and Pastor Shawn are going to provide…