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SFNAZ Newsletter 12/03/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL Sunday, December 6, 2020 2nd Sunday of Advent – Peace We are excited to continue the Advent series “Let Earth Receive Her King”. This week Pastor Bill will be teaching “Peace”. Join us for either online worship or for in-person worship in the gym at 9:30am. For online worship, you’ll connect the same way you have in the past via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook or…
SFNAZ Newsletter 11/25/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL Sunday, November 22, 2020 1st Sunday of Advent – HOPE We are excited to begin the Advent series “Let Earth Receive Her King”. This week Pastor Bill will be teaching “Hope”. Join us online this Sunday, November 29th and watch the service LIVE at 9:30am via Facebook or YouTube. For online worship, you’ll connect the same way you have in the past via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on…
SFNAZ Newsletter 11/19/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ Happenings All-Church Family Bingo Night (via Zoom) – Friday, November 20th – 6:30pm All church bingo night! Due to the updated Covid guidelines, we have moved Bingo Night online. Join us for some fun and if your card wins…..pick from the prize table and we will send your prize to you! See invitation below. SFNAZ Host is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: All Church Virtual Bingo Night Time:…
SFNAZ Newsletter 11/12/20
2020 fall collections Thanksgiving Baskets This year, we are partnering with Evergreen Elementary School to help bless families in need with a Thanksgiving meal. We have gotten off to a great start! We are still in need of the following items: Cranberry Sauce Stuffing Gravy Canned Fruit All donations can be dropped off on Sunday morning (in the shopping cart), or during church office hours. If you would rather make a monetary donation, please mark your check “Thanksgiving Basket.” Thank…
SFNAZ Newsletter 11/05/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ Happenings Senior Luncheon – Wednesday, November 18th – 12pm Meeting at Old European Restaurant. Due to COVID limits must RSVP (Roberta 509-325-0711). All-Church Family Bingo Night – Friday, November 20th – 6:30pm All church bingo night! Come for some FREE fun! We will meet in the gym and if your card wins…..pick from the prize table! Benevolence Sunday – November 29th On the fifth Sunday of the month, we take up…
SFNAZ Newsletter 10/29/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ Happenings New Reflecting God Devotionals are in! The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the winter months have arrived. Devotionals will be available on Sunday mornings and during office hours. If you would like us to send you one, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986). Trunk or Treat – October 30th We are having a drive thru Trunk or Treat on 10/30 and we are still in need of more…
SFNAZ Newsletter 10/22/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ Happenings Church Office Hours The new church staff office hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm New Reflecting God Devotionals are in! The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the winter months have arrived. Devotionals will be available on Sunday mornings and during office hours. If you would like us to send you one, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986). Pastor Appreciation October is Pastor…
SFNAZ Newsletter 10/15/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ Happenings New Church Office Hours The new church staff office hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm New Devotionals are in! The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the winter months have arrived. Devotionals will be available on Sunday mornings and during office hours. If you would like us to send you one, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986). Pastor Appreciation October is Pastor Appreciation…
SFNAZ Newsletter 10/08/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ Happenings New Church Office Hours The new church staff office hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm Fall Bible Study @ The Longs The Roger and Janice Long will be hosting a new Bible Study this fall at their home. Title: “Lord, Where Are You When Bad Things Happen?” When: Tuesdays (beginning September 22nd) 6:45pm – 8:30pm Where: The Home of Roger & Janice Long –…
SFNAZ Newsletter 10/01/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR BILL SFNAZ Happenings New Church Office Hours The new church staff office hours (beginning October 5th) are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm New Devotionals are in! The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the fall months have arrived. If you would like one, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986). Fall Bible Study @ The Longs The Roger and Janice Long will be hosting a new Bible…
SFNAZ Newsletter 09/24/2020
Click here to view the pastoral devotional. SFNAZ Happenings New Church Office Hours The new church staff office hours (beginning October 5th) are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm New Devotionals are in! The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the fall months have arrived. If you would like one, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986). Fall Bible Study @ The Longs The Roger and Janice Long will be hosting a new Bible Study this…
SFNAZ Newsletter 09/17/2020
SFNAZ Happenings New Church Office Hours The new church staff office hours (beginning October 5th) are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 2 pm New Devotionals are in! The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the fall months have arrived. If you would like one, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986). Fall Bible Study @ The Longs The Roger and Janice Long will be hosting a new Bible Study this fall at their home. Title: “Lord, Where…