A Message From Pastor Bill

A Message From Pastor Bill

It has been such a joy to see so many of you face to face on Sunday mornings.  Even though we can’t always hug as we would like to, and it has been difficult to avoid shaking hands, it has been such an encouragement that we have forward motion going on!

We are excited that we are able to move forward, at the same time, it is our top priority to create a safe environment.  Because of this, we will continue faithfully following the COVID-19 protocols.

We are moving strategically and carefully in opening up the educational space in our church building.  Just as in a family, or at a job, we can’t all have our perfect scenario all the time.  It would be fantastic if we could all go back to our “old” normal. However, at this time, that isn’t possible.

We are beginning Sunday School/Discipleship opportunities THIS SUNDAY, October 4th.  The children will be meeting in the educational wing, the youth will be meeting in the teen room, and there will be a combined adult class in the Holy Grounds Café’.

We are asking you to prayerfully and graciously participate to the best of your ability in what we are able to offer at this time.  It’s easy to ask a lot of questions, and many we don’t have answers for at present.  We may not move as quickly as it would seem we should, however,  PLEASE remember that we are carefully making choices based on all the protocols coming out from CDC, as well as State and Federal agencies.

We are so grateful to you and for you.  God has equipped us in ways we could have never imagined.  Please know that your pastoral staff and church board are working diligently to do what is best for ALL.

As we are moving through the book of Philippians, remember Paul’s message of joy and thriving in all circumstances.

You’re loved.

Pastor Bill

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