My Go-To Scripture

My Go-To Scripture

As I sit here writing this devotional, I think of how many times I ponder my go-to Scripture.  We each have several, but I have one that steps out in front of the others. The Scripture is:

John 14:1- Don’t let your heart be troubled. You Believe in God; believe also in me.

I know. You hear it at every Memorial.  It was spoken at all three Memorials in June.  In fact, at my ordination review, Reverend Jim Clifton, ask me what is my go-to verse?  I think it surprised the Ministerial Board.

Maybe I am by myself on this Scripture but think about it.  How many times does life smack you in the face?  SLAP-SLAP. Suddenly, something changes in our life. The car breaks down.  SLAP-SLAP Death.  Surgeries.  Illness. Changes at work.   Financial crisis. Fired from your job. Changing jobs.  Working at work, working at home. Moving. The kid’s grades have taken a nosedive. SLAP. Everything costs more. Groceries, gas, medicines.  Even McDonald’s sweet tea went up.

I hate it when I wake up in the night with things on my mind.  This happens to all of us.  Yet I know, Jesus will take care of it.  He will help me stand and go before me in all the troubles.

It seems like everything is worrisome. Worry causes headaches, sleepless nights and makes us irritable.  If you add politics to the list, you could be overboard with worry. SLAP-SLAP

This Scripture says, “Don’t be troubled. Don’t be distressed. Don’t stew about it.  Don’t be anxious.  Don’t be concerned about things you cannot change. Doesn’t the Father know exactly how many hairs you have on your head?

Pray to the Father in Heaven to get you past this crisis. To work through whatever it is. To help you stand on His word and keep standing.

The Message says it this way, “Don’t let this throw you.  You trust in God, don’t you?  Don’t you trust me?” Do you see the simplicity of this Scripture? It is almost too easy to work. The Father wants to lead you through this crisis.  Let him take over for you.

Pray when you get up. Pray in the middle of the day. Pray in your car. Pray and keep praying. Don’t stop. Sometimes the simplest verse is the one that sticks.

John 14:1 don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.


God’s blessings on you,

Pastor Wanda