What is Pentecost All About?

What is Pentecost All About?

Recently we celebrated Pentecost, the day that we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as described in Acts chapter 2.

Acts 2:2 “They (the believers) were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”  What an incredible experience that must have been. Everyone gathered in Jerusalem heard the gospel in their own language and over 3000 people were saved.

This wonderful event is often overshadowed by the discussion of the gift of tongues.  The apostle Paul addresses this subject in his letter to the Corinthian church. It is in the explanation of this issue that Paul writes the well-known ‘Love’ chapter.  In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul explains that there are two kinds of tongues: The tongues of men (languages) and the tongues of angels or better translated spiritual beings (which could be unknown languages or non-sensible utterances or gibberish).

It helps to understand the Greek culture in which the New Testament believers lived. In the pagan worship of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, the priestesses would dance around in their rituals seeking the infilling of the spirit of Aphrodite and when they began to speak in non-sensible utterances, the people would exclaim, “The gods are among us, the gods are among us”.  You can imagine the confusion as those same people came into the church and were saved. So, Paul explains in I Corinthians14:22-25 that tongues (unknown utterances) was a sign for the unbelievers (in pagan worship outside the church), but that Prophecy (preaching the gospels) was a sign for believers and when people came into the church and were saved, then people would exclaim that “God is really among us”.

The day of Pentecost and the infilling of the Holy Spirit has always been about sharing the gospel.  That is why Jesus says in Acts 1:8 “You (believers) will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my Witnesses.” That is why a few verses later in chapter 2, Luke writes “When the day of Pentecost came, they spoke…”, they spoke…

When we, who are filled with God’s Spirit don’t speak, don’t share, don’t witness, then we are missing the essence of why the Holy Spirit was given.

I used to tell my teens that witnessing is like being in the game and not witnessing is like sitting on the bench. Personally, I hate sitting on the bench.  I want to be in the game.  Sitting on the bench is boring.  Sometimes it seems like there are a lot of Christians who are bored in their Christian life.  Maybe it’s because they have never got in the game. Witnessing for Jesus is exciting, thrilling, and exhilarating as we experience the Spirit of God working through us.

We don’t have to always share the four spiritual laws or ask someone if they are ready to pray the sinner’s prayer.  It can be as easy as telling someone that you will pray for them.  As easy as asking if they are a religious person and then just seeing where the conversation goes? It can be as easy as telling someone about what God has done in your life. As Pastor Wes said in a recent sermon, “Just tell your story”.

I must confess that I don’t always get it right. I don’t always share the way I should. Let’s pray together that we will always be aware of the people that God puts in our lives and that we will be ready to share as God provides the opportunity.

Let’s pray:  God, fill us again with your Holy Spirit that we will have the courage and power to be witnesses for you. Help us to speak in the language that we know to share what you have done in our lives.  Thank you for your love and transformation in our lives. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit so we are never alone. In Jesus name, Amen.


Pastor Vern