Update from Pastor Bill

Update from Pastor Bill

April 9, 2020

Dear Faithful Church Family,

I hope that you are having a meaningful Holy Week, complete with some quiet time to reflect on the value and meaning of remembering the journey to the cross while looking forward to the celebration of the resurrection!

We received some positive news today at my oncology appointment and I wanted to share it with you.

I have been having regular blood work done over the last several weeks.  We don’t usually think much of it. I go every few days to the lab and we usually don’t hear anything about it until our next appointment with the doctor.  I found out today that the results of this lab work have been coming back very stable.  This is a change from a couple of months ago, so it was good news for us to hear.

The rest of the news is significant in a different way.  NO MORE CHEMOTHERAPY for a few months.  Because of the stability of the blood work, along with the fact that chemotherapy would lower my immune system during this COVID-19 crisis, my doctor told us that a continued break from chemotherapy is the way to go.

We want to thank you for your prayers as well as be forthcoming and transparent regarding our journey.

So many of you have reached out to me this week and I want you to know how much I appreciate each call, note, and text.


While none of us know what our future holds day to day, I’m grateful that I belong to the one who does know the journey of each of us and loves us with an everlasting love.

Blessings to you and your household!

Pastor Bill
billv@sfnaz.org or bvdvnco@gmail.com



    Pat Mccullough

    Pastor Bill. How wonderful to hear the good news of your progress. I , and so many have been praying for your return to good health. Will be looking forward to seeing you on Easter Sunday. Prayers for you & family always. Love, Pat McCullough. ❤️😊🙏

      Kathy and Dwane love

      We have been in daily prayer for your family. So excited to hear the good news. I pray that you continue to improve. What a great blessing that things are going better. Have a blessed Easter and may god continue to move in a positive force.

    bricker cortner

    brick & gayle

    Wyatt & Wanda Aller

    So Thankful for such an encouraging note. Spring is springing with new plants everywhere. Waiting for Easter and the anticipation of Ressurection Sunday and with your fabulous diagnosis is perfect for such a time as this! God Bless!

    Christi Swearingen

    So good to hear a positve report on your blood work. This has been a long haul for you and your family. Your have a good doctor and we all are praying for you.

    Terry Torkelson

    Thank you Pastor Bill for sharing. So blessed to be part of a great community of believers who are showing their faith day by day. Blessings to all.

    Floyd & Kathy Smith

    Wow! That has to be the best news we have heard all day! Thank you so much for giving your update and due to the good report on the blood tests, we are SO THANKFUL you won’t have to go thru more chemotherapy at this time. That has been part of our prayers: for wisdom to the doctors so they would make the best decision going forward with your treatment, and specifically that you wouldn’t have more chemotherapy at this hazardous time.


    Thank you for sharing such wonderful news, Bill. This is like a special Easter gift. I’ll keep praying!

    Mary Fuget

    Paise the Lord for the good news. I ever have you and the family in my prayers.

    Love and hugs,

    Barb Thiessen

    Thank you very much for sharing, Pastor. This is wonderful news to hear during Easter week. I will let Pastor Earl and Betty Robertson know about this. We will continue to pray for you and your family.

    Charlotte Hodges

    Pastor Bill,

    This is truly good news. We are praying for you and your family that the Lord will heal you.

    Bill & Charlotte Hodges

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