The Friendship

The Friendship

It was a short friendship. He walked into the church, and I introduced myself to the newcomer as Pastor Wanda. We instantly became friends, and everyone introduced themselves that first day. He said he felt like family.  I told him he was family.  He loved coming to church and only missed when he was ill.

He loved eating the noon meal with us and I tried to always send food home with him.  He sat at the same table every Sunday and sat in the sanctuary in the same place.  He was native and always had his walking stick with feathers on the top.  He was very soft-spoken and made friends with everyone.   I gave him 2 Bibles and promise cards.  He was a gentle man, about 5’8”, diabetic and asthmatic.   When I found out that he was diabetic I bought him zero-Root beer.

I knew he didn’t have much money, and I knew he had a past. I never asked about that, and sensed he came to our church searching.   After a while I asked him if he was a new Christian.  “Yes, I am” he replied.  I told him about a new class I was offering—a membership class.  He could learn what the Nazarenes are about.  He said he would like that.  We had the date set, held the class, and he didn’t show up.  I texted him and didn’t get a reply until nighttime. He said he was sick and that he was in the hospital.  By the time we could get to the hospital, he had gone home.  He came back in about 3 weeks, and said he hated missing the class. In the first part of December, I asked him if he would like to help us decorate the church.  I saw a twinkle in his eye and figured out we were in for a treat.  I sent the men in to put together the tree and decorate it. My new friend had a special touch for decorating.  What fun we had.  I said I wanted to put Joseph, Mary, and the babe outside. He decorated a tree and put it out with the Bethlehem scene.  We turned on the lights and it was perfect.  We ordered pizza and hamburgers, and that finished a perfect day!  I asked him if he could attend another membership class. “Yes,” he said. Another 2 ladies took the class again with our friend, and we succeeded this time.  On January 12, 2025, our friend became a member.  The church family was excited.

Then 2 weeks later this friend and his dog with 6 new puppies perished in his little trailer house that caught on fire.  We were devastated.  We have been sad and happy.  He had told everyone who would listen–” I found God at that little Nazarene church and Pastor Wanda and everyone there is family.” And I mean, he had told everyone.  His sister said that others were saying how much he had changed.  It was noticeable to everyone.

The memorial that was held in Nespelem was eye-opening.   Natives usually don’t accept you on the first visit.  Our way was paved by God and my friend.   I asked what was needed for a service, and one of the sisters said whatever the Nazarene’s do was fine with her.  The gravesite was different and beautiful.  I started the service and ended with all of us saying the Lord’s Prayer, then the natives did the rest. They carefully took our friend’s box of ashes and set it in the grave hole, and one by one each of us took a handful of dirt to cover the box.  When everyone had their turn the men with shovels finished the job.  The flowers were placed on top, and I added feathers to the arrangement we took.  It was very nice.  The dinner that was provided went very well.  Our friend’s older sister was so thankful that our friend accepted Christ.

Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t have to belong to the local country club or have money in our pockets?

Ephesians 2:4 But, because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been saved.  And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

Our friend was the poorest of the poor in the four towns that are close to Grand Coulee and yet I can see him sitting at this very long table talking with the KING of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.


Pastor Wanda


    Tamara Huntley

    Wanda you are so precious. I miss you but so appreciated this story. I am in my new home in the Valley and attending the SVNC. Great people & fellowship. Maybe I wil find a day soon to visit First Naz agaqin soon. Still have my property on the north side for sale. Just got my best offer – but sadly I was not able to move forward until yesterday as my lawyer doesn’t work weekends and the couple had moved on to another property which offer was accepted just before my response. They were so wonderful and wanted themto have my home. I guess the Lord had someone else in mind. Prayers for you and your ministry and all those you meet as Bless – as you have me! Love to you – Tamara

    Victor Morrison

    Thank you Pastor Wanda for sharing this story of “our friend.” Our friend can be found within any of our churches, any of our neighborhoods, any of our communities. Are we always making room for “our friends” to experience Jesus – I think we do.

    Vicki Wintersteen

    You are amazing Wanda. I remember you telling me this story. What a special man who is now in heaven thanks to your ministry. Bless you. Vicki

    Jeanette Smith

    Wanda, I’m so glad to hear the whole story. This was so wonderful!! Your church will put this high in their memories. So will his family. God will use this and God is using you for His kingdom. It’s very exciting to me to see how God works and there isn’t anything He doesn’t use if given to him.
    God bless you Wanda and Wyatt

      Wanda Aller

      Thank you, Jeanette! The last time I saw my friend I was outside talking to someone, and Tod leaves. We waved at each other. He got in his car and left to drop some promise cards off to a mutual friend!
      it was a big wave for both of us.

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