Click here to view the Pastor Wes’ devotional
SFNAZ FUTSAL | Thursdays 7p
Inviting teens and anyone older that wants to come play indoor soccer (futsal) in the gym. For more information, contact Mark Snyder.
We need YOUR help keeping the pathways clear of snow. If you are able to do some shoveling before 8am and are willing to be put on the call list, please contact Kodi Aller at (509) 607-8145. We can’t keep our building safe without the help of our wonderful volunteers.
2024 Giving Reports will be sent out for tax reporting purposes to the giver’s email address on file. If you would like us to provide you with a printed copy of your 2024 Giving Report, please contact the church office.
WINTER MIDWEEK KICKOFF | Wednesday, January 8 – 6:30p
Start your New Year off by joining a midweek Learning & Growth class. There are classes for every age group. Check out Church Center for an updated listing of classes.
CHIN WORSHIP SERVICE | Sunday, January 12th – 6p
This coming Sunday, January 12th, we have been invited to worship with our Chin family. There will be children’s church and nursery available for the little ones as well as a Sunday School class for Middle schoolers (MS class meets after worship portion of service). We would love for you to join us as we worship Jesus together! Service begins at 6pm. We pray that you can come and help us support the Chin Church ministry.
ALL-CHURCH CHILI COOKOFF & BINGO NIGHT | Saturday, January 25th – 5p
Everyone loves chili, but everybody does it a little differently. Some make it spicy; some make it meaty; some make it, well, white! You are invited to join the contest! Go to Church Center and let us know you will be bringing your specialty chili. There will be prizes!
Join in on a game of bingo and eat some great chili all while hanging out with your SFNAZ family!
BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER | February 2nd, 9th, 16th
More information about this youth fundraiser to come.
ADULT BIBLE STUDIES | Sunday – 9:30a
- Revelation – A Gospel of God’s Power (led by Doug Jones)
- Heros of the Bible discussion – January only (led by Bud and Nicole Chambers)
- Luke: Gut-Level Compassion…Perfection Not Required (led by Don & Lorraine Chambers) Starting February 2
REFUGE MEN’S GROUP | Tuesday 6:15p – 8:00p
ADULT STUDIES | Wednesday 6:30p
- The Genius of Jesus (led by Lacey Turner) – Conference Room
- Old Testament Minor Prophets – Practical Wisdom (led by Wanda Aller) – Holy Grounds
- Creation, Evolution & Science Ministries (led by Brian Maloney) – Fireside Room
- Dynamic Marriage (led by Pastor Wes and Cas Hershberger) – Library
Are you looking for a way to connect with SFNaz? Life groups are the perfect way to build community that matters. We would love to have you be part of our life group family. Check out Church Center or contact the office. We’ll do our best to find a group which will work for you. Would you like to lead a Life Group? Please let us know by contacting the office. We’ll host a training session as soon as possible.
- 9:30a
- Nursery for children 3 and under
- Learning and Growth Pre-K – 5th grade
- 10:45a
- Nursery for children 3 and under
- Children’s Church for Pre-K and K
- Grades 1st-5th will join parents in church for worship, then be dismissed before the sermon for Children’s Church
- 6:30p
- Nursery | 3 and under
- Pre-K | Small group lessons and games
Needs in Children’s Department:
- Helpers for special events
- Helper for Pre-K teacher for 10:45a Sunday service (1 hour commitment)
- Nursery help for Sunday morning – to be on a 6-week rotation (1 hour 20-minute commitment)
- Kids’ check in desk help needed 9:30 hour, and 10:45 on a rotation (1 ½ hour commitment per time)
- Small group leader on Wednesday nights for 1st-3rd – 6:45p (20–30-minute commitment)
We look forward to having you join us. If you have any questions, please email me
Sunday – 9:30a
- Middle School Learning & Growth
- High School Learning & Growth
Sunday – 10:45a
- Worship Service
Wednesday – 6:30p
- Youth Group 6-12th grade | What Does the Bible Say About Worship?
- January 18 | Spokane Chiefs Game – Let’s cheer on the Spokane Chiefs together! Only 20 tickets available so sign up early! Tickets are $15 each. Bring your own money for snacks. If you are interested in chaperoning, please talk to Pastor Justine.
- January 25 | All Church Bingo and Chili Cookoff – Think your chili is the best? Put it to the test! Not a chef? Come judge the chili and play some bingo!
- High school Sunday teacher – 1x/month
- Sunday morning check-in volunteer – 1x/month
- Wednesday volunteers
Questions, comments, concerns? Email
Calling all young adults (18-30) to come meet with Pastor Lake in the library for a weekly time to hang out and connect with other young adults.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY | Friday’s 6:30p – led by Terry Turner
Are you curious about Celebrate Recovery? All church members are encouraged to join us for dinner and check out our Celebrate Recovery program on Friday, January 17 at 6:30p in the Fireside Room. We’d love to have you there, whether you are interested in how we address hurts, habits and hangups for you or someone you know, or want to help support the program. We hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please contact Terry at (509) 859-7691.
Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving of tithes & offerings.
- Online giving is available.
You may mail your check directly to the church
Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99218
- GIVE BY TEXT – 84321
- Text the dollar amount you would like to give to 84321 and follow the prompts
Faithfulness in Giving
Income Expense +/-
- General $ 618,700 $ 600,300 $ +18,400
- Missions $ 55,400 $ 47,000 $ + 8,400
(March through December 2024)
Thank you for giving generously to your church general fund. Your faithfulness in giving helps to meet our budgeted expenses.
Prayer Chain by Email
- Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (
Prayer for District Churches
- January 5 Northwest District chaplains
- January 12 Richland El Senor es Dios and Ritzville
- January 19 Sandpoint & Selah
- January 26 Nazarene Theological Seminary and President Jeren Rowell
Missions Prayer Request
- January 5 Lebanon & Lesotho
- January 12 Bolivia & Bophuthatswana
- January 19 Botswana & Brazil
- January 26 Liberia & Madagascar
As we look back to the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, let us now look forward to this New Year with urgency, to win souls unto the Lord! Missions and Discipleship is our command. Missions isn’t just some place over there. Missions is the reflection of God’s love. It starts in our families, the neighbors across the street, the co-workers and the people we run into in our daily lives. It can even be the person in the pew next to us in church.
Therefore, the Mission’s Council and the Church would like to thank you for your support financially, through your prayers, and the seeds being planted in everyday conversations.
May the harvest continue in this New Year.
Our annual Distinguished Service Award will be presented on January 19th.
This award is given to an individual or couple that demonstrates God’s love and service in our congregation. In honor of the recipient, $125 will be given to support the Nazarene Missionary Healthcare program.
Faith Promise Sunday will be on February 16th.
For stories of Nazarene’s around the world check out Nazarene news.
For information on Answering the call
“SEND ME”. Contact
Missions Prayer Request
Tim and Michelle Eby in South Africa
Bruce and Cinda McKellips in Portugal
Monica Boseff and the Open Door Foundation in Romania
Submitted by:
Brian Maloney
Missions Team Member
One Comment
Verna Brown
Please pray for me Call mysiatica and Am I growing That I have pulled. I certainly would appreciate it I love you all and have a great day
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