SFNAZ Newsletter 07/02/2020

SFNAZ Newsletter 07/02/2020


SFNAZ Happenings

All-Church 4th of July Scavenger Hunt

  • This is a virtual scavenger hunt for all ages! It will run from July 3rd @ 10am to July 4th @ 10:30pm! The winning family will get a MOD pizza gift card and a Summer fun pack!
    Watch for your email for the items we will be hunting! Post your pictures with #SFNAZFAMILYSCAVENGERHUNT in order to be counted for points. Click here for more information.

Reflecting God Devotionals

  • The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the summer months have arrived. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986).

Church Office Hours

  • Beginning June 1st, the church office will be open with limited hours which will be Mondays and Thursdays from 12pm – 4pm. The phones will continue to be monitored during the regular business hours (Monday – Thursday from 9am – 4pm).

Call to Prayer

  • Please note, due to the holiday, Call to Prayer will be postponed until August 2nd.


Sunday, JULY 5, 2020

Join us in online worship at 9:30am. Pastor Bill will be teaching, “The God Who Heals”.  You’ll connect the same way you have in the past  via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube Channel – SFNAZ Media to know when we are live). Logon a few minutes before 9:30am and look for the LIVE notification.

Join us for morning worship at 11:00 a.m. in the park behind the church. PLEASE WEAR A FACE COVERING (masks will be provided to those who may need one) AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING. Bring your own lawn chair if possible.  There will be signs and directions when you arrive. We are asking that you keep your family in your designated area to respect the social distancing requirements. PLEASE DRESS CASUALLY. CLICK HERE to view the songs and lyrics for Outside Worship Service.

We are excited that Pastor Bill will be bringing the Word this Sunday.  As he continues through this health journey, it is HIS desire to preach as often as possible.  Please understand that he won’t mingle in the crowd.  He will preach; he is excited to see you and greet you, but we will “hold him back” from the crowd and take him to his car following the sermon. Thank you for understanding.

Tithes & Offering

Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving tithes & offering.
1. Online giving is available here.
2. You may mail your check directly to the church
             Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
             9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
             Spokane, WA 99218

3. Give By Text – Text the dollar amount to (833) 948-2179 and follow the prompts.

Faithfulness in giving

Raised            Expenses               +/-

  • General              $172,000         $155,800           +16,200
  • Missions             $19,900           $17,000             +2,900

(As of May 31, 2020)

Pastoral connection phone line

By calling (509) 239-7849 you can reach a 24-hour voice message service which will allow you to reach the pastoral team directly. You are encouraged to call with:

  • Prayer requests & praises
  • Grocery needs
  • Medication pick up requests

We will do our best to return your calls in a timely manner.


    • Prayer Chain by Email – Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (office@sfnaz.org).
    • Prayer for District Churches – Grandview First & Grangeville
    • Missions Prayer Requests – Bangladesh & Barbados
    • Pastor Bill Vaughn
    • Peggy Ewer
    • Dwane Love
    • Amanda Cote
    • Susan Kimble
    • Jean Cook
    • Judy McGinnis
    • Garrett Morrison
    • Randy Coffey
    • Clint Meadway
    • Wayne & Laurice Crawshaw
    • Karen Mahar
    • Barb Sires
    • Gene Stevenson
    • Wayne Aller
    • Susan Wold’s stepmother, Sheila passed away. Please be in prayer for her stepdad and the rest of the family as they mourn this loss.

Adult ministries

During this time, we are trying to find ways to stay connected with the church family. We have opened up an Adult Ministries Room on Zoom.  If you have not used Zoom before, it is a virtual audio and visual chat room that, depending upon your settings, allows people to see you (via webcam or mobile device camera) and hear you (via computer microphone/webcam or mobile device). For mobile users, you can download the Zoom app. Desktop users can click on the Zoom Meeting Link and follow the instructions. Phone numbers are also provided for each meeting for those who would rather place a phone call to access the meeting. If you have questions, feel free to email the office (office@sfnaz.org) or pastoral team.

Below is a list of upcoming meetings:

  • 07/07/20: Men’s Group – 6pm on ZOOM (Use Youth Ministries Zoom Meeting Room)
  • 07/07/20 (NOTE THE DAY CHANGE): Adult Bible Study –  7pm on ZOOM (II Peter)

Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701

In Person bible study (Adult ministries)
  • Remedy will begin in-person Bible study in the courtyard area at 6:45pm. Pastor Danene will be teaching “Twelve Unlikely Heroes”.

children’s ministries

Sunday School on the Lawn @ 11am

Children 3 years through 6th grade come to the 11am service with your parents & join your Sunday School class during the sermon.

*Nursery Care begins 7/10 for children under 3 years old. Temperature checks required.


10am Live Bible Time w/Pastor Hope in ZOOM , No Bible Time on July 6th


10am Kindred Moms Coffee and Prayer group

July 1st: Meets at 10am at Pastor Hope’s House, email hopet@sfnaz.org for the address

July 8th: 6-:45-8:15pm

Mixed Matched Night: Sometimes we may feel like things are all mixed up in our lives, but we can still find peace in Christ! Wear your best Mixed Matched outfit for a prize!


GO LIVE with Pastor Hope

Calling all SFNAZ Kids! Log into our SFNAZ Children & Pre-Teens Page to see Pastor Hope GO LIVE with a Thursday challenge weekly! If you participate in the challenge by sending a picture or video by email (hopet@sfnaz.org), text or post in the comments of the LIVE event Pastor Hope will mail you a prize.
Some weeks it will be a CRAZY challenge and some will be a simple activity to complete but you have to login to check it out!

Upcoming Events

Tumble Weed Gulch Camp: Where God’s Love Changes Everything (Summer Camp Alternative)

Since district camp has been canceled, I have been planning a weekend camp out. This camp out will be at Willow Creek Retreat.  This is a private country retreat on a 20-acre farmstead on the West Plains of Spokane County. There is a farm with animals the kids will be able to interact with and horseback riding for those kids who would like to participate. We have the whole property so it will not be a shared camping space with the public. There will be chapel, crafts, water games, playing in a small creek, and much more! Due to Covid-19 and guidelines for camps we will have rules for tent camping, sanitation rules, and requirement of kids who aren’t feeling well to not participate.

Dates: July 17th -19th, Departing on the 17th at 8 am and returning Sunday around 3 pm.

Grade Levels: 3rd-6th grade

Price: $60

Sleeping arrangements: Bring your own tent, sleep in your own tent or sharing with siblings who are attending camp together will be allowed.  Sharing tents with friends will not be allowed.

Meals: All Meals will be provided during camp.

Volunteers: All volunteers will be SFNAZ church members who are background checked through Ministry Safe.  Adults are allowed to sleep in tents with their children.

Click here to register or visit https://sfnaz.org/ministries/children/childrens-home-ministry-resources/


Vacation Bible School Changes

We will not be doing the VBS theme ROAR this year as a community outreach event with a large crowd, but there are going to be some amazing things provided for the children of our church and their close friends. We will have one day VBS events for specific age groups each day in order to make sure that while planning, we can still hold an event if phases are permitted for a large group in August.

Each VBS day will be held outdoors from 9am-12pm.  At the end of each day families will be invited to enjoy a hot dog lunch when they pick-up their children.

August 11th: 4 year olds through Kindergarten

August 12th:  1st-3rd graders

August 13th:  4th-6th graders

Click here to register or visit https://sfnaz.org/ministries/children/childrens-home-ministry-resources/


SFNAZ Summer Music and Drama Club

Sign up for our SFNAZ Summer Music and Drama club! We will be performing Back to the Beginning! This is a brand new musical that takes some of the same characters from the performance Back to the Cross. After you sign up we will mail out the script and CD for your child to begin to practice at home. In-person rehearsals will begin July 8th (as long as state guidelines allow this). Auditions will be on July 15th during our regular rehearsal time. After you have registered your child, we will contact you with additional information about Covid-19 guidelines as we begin to practice in-person. Face coverings and temperature checks are required to participate.

Ages: Kindergarten through 6th grade (children entering kindergarten or exiting 6th grade are both welcome)

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 3 pm-5:30 pm in the gym, dinner served then children can stay for church at 6:45 pm

Performance Date: 9/2, 6:30 pm-8:00 pm

Donations are accepted to off-set cost, but not required.

Click here to register or visit https://sfnaz.org/ministries/children/childrens-home-ministry-resources/


FAce-to-face meetings
  • Wednesday, July, 8th @ 6:45pm – At the church in the Park
    Due to changes in guidelines, we are meeting in person on Wednesday. Gather in the park behind church at 6:45pm, we’ll wrap up by 8:15pm. Be prepared to practice social distancing, bring a lawn chair, and please wear a mask.

Weekly online devotional

  • Be on the lookout for a video devotional which is replacing our Sunday night Zoom meeting for a while. This are available on Sundays on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Links will be posted at sfnaz.org/youth

Parent Zoom Meeting – July 13 @ 7pm

  • We will discuss future ministry planning and the impact of COVID. Download the Zoom app on your device or go to (zoom.us/join) and enter meeting ID 966-426-6598 Meeting password will be sent by text message.
District Teen Summer Camp: July 20 – 24 @ Riverview Bible Camp

As we are in a holding pattern in Phase 2 of the COVID guidelines for resuming normal activities; it is apparent and unlikely that Washington churches will be able to participate in traditional teen camp this year. For this reason Pastor Shawn is joining with the district NYI leadership to offer a camp alternative for SFNAZ students. This event will take place on our church campus the week camp is currently scheduled. The cost of this onsite event will be covered by the SFNAZ youth budget (although donations to cover food are appreciated). Through technology, we will hear from the camp speaker and sing songs with our district churches. We will play games and organize other fun activities, with our local church. We will also have opportunities to connect with our fellow district churches through Zoom. Shawn will be getting more details out about this opportunity in the next week.

NOTE:  Please DM/text or email Pastor Shawn (shawns@sfnaz.org) if you are not receiving the SFNazYouth info text messages or have questions. To automatically join the text messages anytime text “ADDME” to (509)790-4048


July Emphasis – Nazarene Education Institutions

Education has always been important in the Church of the Nazarene. Nazarene educational institutions around the world are training preachers, teachers, evangelists, nurses, and vocational and lay leaders. This education is essential to the success of evangelistic efforts. 5 graduate seminaries, 29 undergraduate Bible/theological colleges, 14 liberal arts institutions, 2 nurses training colleges, and 1 teacher training college had a 2018 combined enrollment of 51,839 students globally. Please remember the students, faculty, and their staff in your prayers.