Sanctuary seating is available on a first-come-first-served basis. Once our ushers have determined we have reached maximum capacity in the sanctuary, you may be asked to sit in an overflow area.
We have installed the necessary technology so both the gym and Holy Grounds foyer area can be used as overflow seating. The live video from the sanctuary will be viewable in these spaces.
We continue to ask as we gather in person, please come wearing a mask, practice social distancing, and sit together as families. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. If you don’t feel well, have a fever, or know you have been exposed to COVID-19, we kindly ask you to please stay home.
It will undoubtedly take us a few weeks to figure out this new worship rhythm. Your leadership team appreciates your patience as we work out any kinks. The livestream will continue to be available on both Facebook and YouTube for the foreseeable future.
Upcoming EVents
HANDS AND FEET NIGHT – Wednesday, April 28th – 6:45pm
- SFNAZ Children & Pre-Teens will be potting flowers for our local homebound church community. We are still in need of small terracotta pots, potting soil, and small live flowers. If you would like to contribute any of these items, please see Pastor Hope.
CALL TO PRAYER – Sunday, May 2nd – 6pm
- Join us for a special time of prayer and worship.
- Bring your chair & snacks and join us in the park to watch this fun family movie “Yes Day”. Come early to claim your spot.
MOTHER’S DAY – Sunday, May 9th
- Life Services Baby Bottle Campaign kick-off
SENIOR LUNCHEON – Wednesday, May 19th – 12pm
- Join us at Old European. Call Roberta to RSVP 509-325-0711
FAITH PROMISE – Sunday, May 23rd
- Join us at 9:30am for worship. Guest speakers: Don & Evie Gardner
VBS 2021 – June 24th – 27th
- There are many ways everyone can help with VBS. If you would like to volunteer at VBS, please sign up at the kid’s check-in or contact Jordan Roth.
- If you would rather contribute there are many items that are needed, the donation lists are at the kid’s check-in counter.
- The Summer 2021 Devotionals have arrived. You may pick one up at the information table, or by contacting the church office.
- Congratulations to the Children & Preteen Quiz Team. All 5 quizzers that participated in the NW District Quiz Meet have qualified to participate in the World Quiz Meet in June. In addition to a Gold Team Award, each quizzer received the following:
- Congratulations to the Children & Preteen Quiz Team. All 5 quizzers that participated in the NW District Quiz Meet have qualified to participate in the World Quiz Meet in June. In addition to a Gold Team Award, each quizzer received the following:
- Robert Aronson received and All-Star Award w/ 1 perfect round
- Kenneth Curry received an All-Star Award w/ 1 perfect round (he also received an award for perfect memory)
- Oliver Curry received a Gold Award (he also received an award for perfect memory)
- Ellie Pooler received a Gold Award
- Noah Snyder received a Gold Award
- Morning Worship Service 9:30am
- Discipleship Classes 11:00am
- The temporary home for the Holy Grounds Café is located in the gym. Stop in to say hello and thank the wonderful workers for their dedication. The café will be open from 9am – 9:30am & 10:30am – 11am. During this time, there will be a limited menu and prices will range from $1 (for bottles of water) – $3.50 (for blended coffees)
- Complementary brewed coffee will also be served in the gym for those who are interested.
- The church is in need of a few people to help keep the property looking it’s best. If you are available Thursdays – Saturdays and are able to help with mowing, raking, & other yard work, please contact the church office.
- Are you missing the connection with your pastors? We would love to come by your porch for a brief, socially-distanced prayer time with you and provide you with encouragement during this year! There are 3 ways to request a pastoral visit:
- Contact the church office (509-467-8986 or
- Sign up online at
- Fill out a Porch Prayer w/Pastor card on Sunday morning and place in the offering basket.
You will then be contacted by a staff member to schedule an appointment to meet with one of our pastors. We look forward to seeing you again in this new way of connecting through prayer together.
Sunday, APRIL 25, 2021
This week Pastor Bill will be teaching. Join us for either online worship or for in-person worship in the sanctuary at 9:30am. For online worship, you’ll connect the same way you have in the past via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube Channel – SFNAZ Media to know when we are live). Log on a few minutes before 9:30am and look for the LIVE notification.
Tithes & Offering
Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving tithes & offering.
1. Online giving is available here.
2. You may mail your check directly to the church
Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99218
3. Give By Text – Text the dollar amount to (833) 948-2179 and follow the prompts.
Faithfulness in giving
Raised Expenses +/-
General $ 66,700 $ 47,300 +19,400
Missions $12,300 $ 8,100 +4,200
(As of March 31, 2021)
Thank you for your faithful giving.
Pastoral connection phone line
By calling (509) 239-7849 you can reach a 24-hour voice message service which will allow you to reach the pastoral team directly. You are encouraged to call with:
- Prayer requests & praises
- Grocery needs
- Medication pick up requests
We will do our best to return your calls in a timely manner.
Prayer Chain by Email – Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (
Prayer for District Churches – Spokane First & Spokane Chin
Missions Prayer Requests – Angola & Antigua
- Pastor Bill Vaughn
- Pastor Gary Woodroof
- Jim Luten
- Clint Meadway
Adult ministries
- “Life Lessons from James” by Max Lucado (Led by Pastor Danene)
- “The Steps to Freedom in Christ”. This class (led by Phil Baldwin) will be held in the Holy Grounds area.
- Charlie Scott will be sharing his insights from the Gospel of Mark , “Exhibiting Faith, Hope, Love, & Humility in The Ups & Downs of Life” Sunday @11am on Zoom. We are pleased to have an alternative option for those who join us online. Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701
Adult Bible Study: Tuesdays at 7pm on ZOOM – “Life Lessons from James” by Max Lucado w/ Pastor Danene
- Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701
Men’s Group: Tuesdays at 6pm on ZOOM (Use Youth Ministries Zoom Meeting Room)
- Click here for Men’s Group Link, or enter this meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 81662075085
In-Person Adult Bible Studies:
- Wednesdays at 7pm Pastor Danene will be teaching “Ezra & Nehemiah – Building During Covid” in the Fireside Room.
children’s ministries
Sunday Schedule
- Discipleship Classes:
- 1st/2ndGrade, 3rd/4thGrade and Pre-Teens (5th/6thgrade)
- Nursery-Toddlers
- Infant through 3 non-potty trained years old
- Prek-Kindergarten Class
- 3 year old potty trained through Kindergarten
- Kids Church 1st-6thGrade
- Pre K-Kindergarten
- Nursery-Toddlers
Wednesday Night
6:45-8pm Dynamic Discipleship & Bible Learning Lab
- Nursery: Infant through 3 years non-potty trained
- Bible Learning Lab: PreK-Kindergarten hands-on bible fun: crafts, bible story and playtime
- Dynamic Discipleship Classes: Our Dynamic Discipleship group has started new studies which involve hands-on bible learning experiments. Come join the fun and learn the foundations of a relationship with Christ!
Upcoming Events:
4/28: Hands and Feet Night
- We will be potting flowers for our local homebound church community. Donations needed: small terracotta pots, potting soil and small live flowers.
5/7: Family Movie Night in the Park: Yes Day
- Bring your family and friends to our amphitheater in the church park as we watch the fun family movie Yes Day . The movie will start at 8pm, seating will begin at 7:30pm. Bring your own chair and movie snacks.
**Please adhere to WA state COVID-19 guidelines**
Save the Date!
ROAR Vacation Bible School
Registration and volunteer sign up begins April 25th!
- June 24th: 6-9pm
- June 25th: 6-9pm
- June 26th: 1-4pm
- June 27th: VBS Celebration Sunday Service, then lunch and inflatables
- Join us Wednesdays at 6:45pm for our new series “Surprised by Hope.”
- Join us Sundays at 11am for discipleship. We are just starting to work our way through the book of Revelation.
- Marcy Morrison is organizing a First Aid, CPR, AED course for our students. The training dates will be announced soon. Contact Pastor Shawn to be added to the list receiving more information.
- Teen Northwest District Summer Camp Registration is open. Visit for more information.
To automatically join the SFNazYouth info text messages, simply text “ADDME” to (509)790-4048. If this doesn’t work or you are still not receiving the text messages or have questions, please contact Pastor Shawn (
In addition to regular text updates, there are also periodic email info updates with more details about upcoming events and youth ministry happenings. These come out monthly. If you (or someone you know) isn’t receiving these emails, you can sign up to receive the emails at
Missions emphasis for April – Mission Education
2021-2022 Adult NMI missions Books
These books are on order and will be available at the Holy Grounds kiosk in May.
Gospel Over the Andes by Roger Winans, Edited by R. Alfred Swain
Gospel Over the Andes, originally written by Roger Winans, is a moving story of a missionary who would not forsake his calling.
This book is an expansion of the story of the Church of the Nazarene in Peru, updated by R. Alfred Swain, a missionary who followed in the footsteps of Roger Winans. Swain brings the story of the Church of the Nazarene up to date, and demonstrates that Christ over the Andes continues to be the call and practice of the Church of the Nazarene in Peru.
The Greening by R. Franklin Cook and Steve Weber
- Franklin Cook and Steve Weber, original authors of The Greening, have revisited the original text and brought it up to date with the amazing developments in Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in recent years.
So many participate in compassionate ministries through local churches around the world and through faithfully supporting NCM, making it possible to do the seemingly impossible in a world continually faced with disasters and challenges to human dignity. Thank you for the part you play in GREENING!
Wanda by Carol Anne Eby, Edited by Andrew Bennett
Wanda is a compelling story of one woman’s response to God’s call upon her life, and the faithfulness with which she made herself available to God, wherever He sent her, and in whatever circumstances she found herself. She served God and the church with distinction as a missionary, and ultimately as the director of what is now Nazarene Missions International.
An inspiration to all around her, on the mission field, and in the executive’s office; in the face of bitter losses and terminal illness, Wanda’s life and testimony was one marked with joy—the joy of faithful service rendered, and full trust in the God Who held her close to His heart. May her holy influence impact your life as you read Wanda.