LADIES BIBLE STUDY – Friday, February 12th – 10:30am
- SFNAZ Ladies are invited to join us for the 7-week Bible Study “Elijah – Faith and Fire” by Priscilla Shirer. This will be held both in-person and on Zoom (Adult Ministries 8713955701). Childcare will be available for those who choose to attend in-person. Sign up beginning this Sunday at the information table, or by contacting the church office ( The book is available for purchase from Amazon or Lifeway, but is not required.
JOURNEY TO THE CROSS – Wednesday, February 17th – 6:45pm
- In place of our regular Wednesday Night activities, join the entire church family in a multi-generational interactive service celebrating the start of the Lenten Season as we journey together toward Easter. The opening portion of the service will be livestreamed via Facebook and YouTube.
FAMILY “SNOW MUCH FUN” WEEKEND – Silver Mountain (Kellogg, ID) February 19th – 21st
- See full details under Children’s Ministries.
ALABASTER SUNDAY – February 28th
The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. On Sunday, February 28th, we will be accepting donations for the Alabaster Offering. Please return your boxes by February 28th.
SFNAZ MEMBERSHIP CLASS – Sunday, February 28th – 12pm
- If you would like to learn more about becoming a member of the SFNAZ family, we are having a membership class for those interested in joining the church on March 7th. This class will be held both in-person and on Zoom (Adult Ministries 8713955701). Sign up at the information table or by contacting the church office ( 509-467-8986).
COUPLES BIBLE STUDY – Saturday, March 6th – 6pm
- All couples are invited to join Chris & Hope Terhaar as they lead the 7-week Bible Study “You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity” by Francis Chan & Lisa Chan. This class will be held both in-person and on Zoom (Adult Ministries 8713955701). The class will be from 6pm – 7pm followed by a couple’s social time from 7pm – 8pm (for in-person attendees). Childcare will be available for those who choose to attend in-person. Sign up beginning this Sunday at the information table, or by contacting the church office (
NEW MEMBER RECEPTION – Sunday, March 7th
- Join us in welcoming new members to the SFNAZ family! New members will be introduced during the 9:30am service.
SFNAZ members are invited to cast their ballots for our annual elections. Due to the unprecedented events of the past year, our normal annual rhythm of gathering in-person to vote on the Sunday of Annual Meeting needs to be restructured. The options for Spokane First Church members to vote on March 7 are outlined below.
2021 SFNAZ Annual Meeting Voting Procedure
As you review the following options it is important to recognize members are requested to vote using only ONE method.
- In-Person Options
- A: Paper ballot: These ballots will be cast in the gym at the conclusion of the worship service. This option is most like our normal annual meeting. Members will be invited to stand to receive a ballot. These ballots will be counted following the morning service.
- B: Electronically on a mobile device: Electronic ballots will be sent by email to church members for whom the church has an email address on file. These emails will be sent at 10:30am on March 7. Members will be able to vote electronically until 1pm on March 7. Households sharing the same email address will only get one electronic ballot. Therefore, please notify the church office by noon Wednesday, March 3 to update the email addresses we have on file or input any additional email addresses.
- Remote/Socially Distanced Options
- A: Electronically: Electronic ballots will be sent by email to church members for whom the church has an email address on file. These emails will be sent at 10:30am on March 7. Members will be able to vote electronically until 1pm on March 7. Households sharing the same email address will only get one electronic ballot. Therefore, please notify the church office by noon Wednesday, March 3 to update the email addresses we have on file or input any additional email addresses.
- B: Drive-through paper ballot: Those without email addresses or means to vote electronically from home may come to the church and vote from their vehicle starting at 10:30am, March 7. Those wishing to vote can form a line with your vehicles in the west flagpole drop off loop. A person with mask and gloves will present the member(s) with a paper ballot. Once voting is completed the ballot will be collected from the member(s). Drive-through voting must be completed by 1pm. These ballots will be counted once voting has concluded.
Be assured, efforts will be made by the election tellers to ensure individual church members do not vote twice. However, we are also using the honor system and ask voters upfront, PLEASE only vote using ONE of the methods outlined above.
- Those who are interested in being baptized will have the opportunity on April 4th. Sign up at the information table, or contact the church office.
Lent 2021
The Lenten Season begins on Ash Wednesday (Wednesday, February 17th) and concludes on Easter Sunday (April 4th). This year, Pastor Bill will be teaching “Sacred Invitations” and there are devotional books that coincide with his Lenten Sermons. We would like for each family to have a devotional book. They are now available for pickup beginning this Sunday, February 7th (or during office hours if you are joining us online). If you are able, a $5 donation is suggested in order to help cover the cost of the books. For more information, contact the church office.
- Are you missing the connection with your pastors? We would love to come by your porch for a brief, socially-distanced prayer time with you and provide you with encouragement during this year! There are 3 ways to request a pastoral visit:
- Contact the church office (509-467-8986 or
- Sign up online at
- Fill out a Porch Prayer w/Pastor card on Sunday morning and place in the offering basket.
You will then be contacted by a staff member to schedule an appointment to meet with one of our pastors. We look forward to seeing you again in this new way of connecting through prayer together.
- The Spring 2021 Devotionals are now available! If you are interested, you can pick one up from the information table on Sunday mornings or during church office hours. Feel free to contact the church office for more information.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
This week Pastor Bill will be teaching “You Are Chosen” 1 Peter 2:4-10. Join us for either online worship or for in-person worship in the gym at 9:30am. For online worship, you’ll connect the same way you have in the past via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube Channel – SFNAZ Media to know when we are live). Log on a few minutes before 9:30am and look for the LIVE notification.
With the recent updates to the Washington State COVID-19 Guidelines, we wanted to take a moment to update you on our plans to gather for worship. We will continue to meet in-person at 9:30am in the gym, we will also continue to live stream this service through Facebook and YouTube. We thank you in advance for your understanding as we do our best to accommodate the statewide efforts to slow the rapid spread of the virus in our community. For those who choose to join us in person, please come wearing a mask, practice social distancing, and sit together as families. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. If you don’t feel well, have a fever, or know you have been exposed to COVID-19, we kindly ask you to please stay home. We look forward to worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ together, both in-person and online!
Tithes & Offering
Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving tithes & offering.
1. Online giving is available here.
2. You may mail your check directly to the church
Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99218
3. Give By Text – Text the dollar amount to (833) 948-2179 and follow the prompts.
Faithfulness in giving
Raised Expenses +/-
General $607,250 $582,500 +24,750
Missions $59,100 $58,250 +850
(As of January 31, 2021)
Pastoral connection phone line
By calling (509) 239-7849 you can reach a 24-hour voice message service which will allow you to reach the pastoral team directly. You are encouraged to call with:
- Prayer requests & praises
- Grocery needs
- Medication pick up requests
We will do our best to return your calls in a timely manner.
Prayer Chain by Email – Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (
Prayer for District Churches – Spokane Valley and Spokane Westside
Missions Prayer Requests – Tanzania & Thailand
- Pastor Bill Vaughn
- Pastor Gary Woodroof
- Sandy Hill
- Ora Lee Bartalamay
- Clint Meadway
- Ron Ballew
- Riley Finnigan & Family
- Dick Snell
- Betty Rotha
- Sharon Maxwell
- Long-time member, Fran Brusseau went home to the Lord on January 21st. Please pray for her family at this time.
- Carrie Low’s son passed away. Please pray for Carrie and their entire family as they mourn their loss.
- Janice Wilks’ brother passed away. Please pray for his entire family.
Adult ministries
- Pastor Danene will be leading “The Power to Change: How the Gospel Helps Us to Live Differently”. Join this Interactive DVD class on Sunday at 10:30am (immediately following morning worship in the Fireside Room.
- Join Phil Baldwin as he leads an Adult Discipleship Class on the “Cold Case Christianity” by J. Warner Wallace. This class will be held in the Holy Grounds area Sunday at 10:30am (immediately following morning worship).
- Charlie Scott will be sharing his insights from the Gospel of Mark during new Discipleship Class, “Exhibiting Faith, Hope, Love, & Humility in The Ups & Downs of Life” Sunday @10:30am on Zoom. We are pleased to have an alternative option for those who join us online. Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701
Adult Bible Study: Tuesdays at 7pm on ZOOM – “Life Lessons from James” by Max Lucado w/ Pastor Danene
- Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701
Men’s Group: Tuesdays at 6pm on ZOOM (Use Youth Ministries Zoom Meeting Room)
- Click here for Men’s Group Link, or enter this meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 9664266598
In-Person Adult Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7pm Pastor Danene will be teaching “Ezra & Nehemiah – Building During Covid” in the Fireside Room.
children’s ministries
- Family Worship: Tables reserved for families & bags of fun activities for the kids (1st-6th grade) to interact with during the service.
- Nursery-Toddlers: Infant through 3 non-potty trained years old
- PreK-Kindergarten Class: 3 year old potty trained through Kindergarten
- Kids Church: 1st-6th Grade: Be A Friend: Show God’s Love
- Sunday School Classes: PreK-Kindergarten
Bible Quizzing – The bible quizzing team meets on Sunday 11:30am-1pm
10am Kindred Moms Coffee and Prayer group
- Currently Kindred Moms is meeting once a month on the 3rd Wednesday. Our next meeting will be February 18 @ 10-11am. We will have a craft for the moms and kids, with a short devotional and prayer.
Wednesday Night
6:45-8pm Dynamic Discipleship & Bible Learning Lab
- Nursery: Infant through 3 years non-potty trained
- Bible Learning Lab: PreK-Kindergarten hands-on bible fun: crafts, bible story and playtime
- Dynamic Discipleship Classes: Our Dynamic Discipleship group has started new studies which involve hands-on bible learning experiments. Come join the fun and learn the foundations of a relationship with Christ!
Upcoming Events:
2/17: Journey to the Cross: Lenten Service
Bring the whole family as we prepare for the Easter season together. We will gather as a group, then move into small group stations as we journey through scripture with hands-on activities.
2/19-21: FAMILY “SNOW MUCH FUN” WEEKEND: Silver Mountain
- Come join the church family at Silver Mountain for the weekend! You can come up for the day or stay overnight. Skiing, tubing, and playing in the snow! We will gather for a short devotional on Sunday morning outdoors, so prepare to be bundled up. All booking and paying for the event will be through individual families, but we will plan a meeting point for families who are skiing and those who are tubing on Saturday. Also, we will have dinner at the restaurant at the lodge. Please contact Pastor Hope to let her know your family plans so we can make sure everyone connects once we all arrive. Pricing for Silver Mountain can be found here. You MUST reserve tickets in advance and they sell out quickly due to COIVD guidelines. We will be staying at Fairbridge Inn & Suites. Reserve your rooms and ski lift tickets for your family ASAP since there are limiting and selling out on lift tickets & tubing reservations and the hotel is filling up quickly.
2/27: SFNAZ Girls Spa Night (5:30pm – 7:30pm)
- All Kindergarten through 6th grade girls are invited to our spa night. Our SFNAZ teen girls will be helping with manicures, pedicures and glamming up your hair!
RSVP to Pastor Hope @ by 2/13.
3/20: NW District Zone Qualifier Quiz Meet
- Please be in prayer for our quiz team as they prepare for this quiz meet. Those that earn a silver award or higher will qualify for the NW District meet in April.
3/26: K-6thGrade Boys Dude Perfect Night 6-8pm
- Come join us for some crazy Dude Perfect challenges and fun! Watch your email and fliers for more details.
- NW District Summer Camp – July 26-30, 2021
Girl’s and Guy’s Small Group Meetings in February (Updated Info!)
Feb 21 5pm: We have decided since most people are returning from Snow Much Fun earlier in the day… we will still meet.
Snow Much Fun Weekend (Feb 19 to 21)
Several church families are coordinating their family excursions to Silver Mountain this weekend. For more information see the information posted above by Pastor Hope. This is a family event; Pastor Shawn is not making reservations for individual students. Please contact Pastor Hope or Pastor Shawn if you have any questions.
Baptism Opportunities
We will be having student baptisms on both Ash Wednesday Feb 17 and Easter Sunday April 4. Please let Pastor Shawn know if you are interested in baptism.
Looking Ahead: District NYI Breakthrough (Sat Mar 20)
This will be a hybrid event, both locally in person and online with our sister Northwest District churches. More details coming soon.
To automatically join the SFNazYouth info text messages, simply text “ADDME” to (509)790-4048. If this doesn’t work or you are still not receiving the text messages or have questions, please contact Pastor Shawn (
In addition to regular text updates, there are also periodic email info updates with more details about upcoming events and youth ministry happenings. These come out every few weeks. If you (or someone you know) isn’t receiving these emails, you can sign up to receive the emails at
Missions Corner
Denominational Emphasis for February – Alabaster
The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. The funds help provide land for Work & Witness projects, and the entire offering goes toward the purchase of land and construction of churches, schools, medical facilities, and homes for missionaries and national workers.
The Alabaster Offering gets to the mission field via several avenues. The most widely used is the Alabaster Box. In September and February, the money is collected. The way an offering is received is as varied as the world areas in which the Church of the Nazarene has a presence; however, it is always accompanied with a spirit of rejoicing.