Our Faithfulness to Care

Our Faithfulness to Care

There is a theme running through commercials, news casts, newspaper ads and social media posts.  “We’re in this together.”  “If you need help, call someone!”, “Help others.  Be kind whenever you see the opportunity.”

A few years ago, I made a decision that if someone was racing to get ahead of me in line at Starbucks or Wendy’s I would just let them go ahead and smile.  When there is road construction and people forget which lane to use, I try to smile and wave them in front of me.  Just small things, I feel better for doing these things, and sometimes people wave or smile back and sometimes they don’t.

For me, it is noticing a spot where I can be generous and gracious.  Neither one of these characteristics are easy to be ALL THE TIME.  Taking the small opportunities keeps me very aware of my small part of the bigger picture, the larger story.  Life is made up of a million “small” places of participation.

Our kindness may often not be seen by crowds so that we receive praise.  Kindness is often done in the quiet act of obedience.  No one sees.  No one knows.  We don’t post it on social media or take out an ad.  We simply see the need, help as we can.

There is a popular meme making the rounds today:

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

It’s a practical challenge.  How many times throughout the week are you able to simply see a need and help to fill it?  We can’t all take care of every kindness needed in our Spokane World.  However, if each of us can seriously take a look around and invest kindness where we see a need, how quickly would that add up?

Many people in our lives, our neighborhoods, our county and city are suffering. There is a lack of kindness in general in the culture today.

Here are a few “rewritten” thoughts, taken from some of the words we hear on TV DAILY about our current quarantine situation:


  • Let’s “flatten the curve “of discouragement”
  • Let’s “test” to check out how we are doing in reaching others with kindness and encouragement.
  • In an “unprecedented” time, may we be the people of God who show “unprecedented” caring and kindness.


Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”  Ephesians 4:32


We miss you!  May the peace of Christ be with you today, we are awaiting the news with anticipation of when we will be able to gather again.

In the meantime, be faithful, read the promises, be kind, show you care.


Pastor Danene

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