

The Holy Spirit keeps pushing all of us forward.  I for one do much better when I follow His guide.  He is not our co-pilot, but He is the Pilot, the one in charge. If I try to lead it turns out awful.

There have been tons of things going on! One of my McDonald girls ended up moving out of their apartment, before their house was ready.  So, all seven of them were at Motel 6.  No microwaves or refrigerator.  I went along side of them, took 2 crock pots and Costco chicken.  They ended up making chicken and rice for 7 of them!  Five children and 2 adults.  It is amazing what you can do with a crock pot.  Let me just say it is a mad house at that motel. I thought briefly, what am I doing here?

The scenario doesn’t matter.  The point is we all need to go at a moment’s notice to help and support others in need.  I don’t have a special corner on this.  All of us are called to walk beside others.

Currently, Wyatt and I are walking beside Grand Coulee Church of the Nazarene.  Their co-pastor died a year ago. The remaining Pastor is trying to move out.  They moved in as a couple and the Pastor is moving out as a widower.  We at Spokane First know how that feels.  I have preached there several times in the last 3 years.  We have loved this congregation.  We march forward with lots of encouragement and hugs to everyone!  God is taking care of all of us as we are in this transition.   God didn’t say it will be easy.  It is not.  Do I wonder what on earth I am doing here?

I miss my Sunday Morning Sanctuary greeting at Spokane First.  It has always been the highlight of my day!  I believe God will raise someone else up to take that spot.  In the meantime, you can pray for our ministry that is moving forward.

The main answer to our question is, what am I doing here?  The answer is an easy one.  God sends.  He sends you and me!  He is in sending mode.  We are disciplined.  We are obedient to his will. We are disciplined to be obedient to his calling.  Wherever that might be!

 I Peter 1:14-15 –   so you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then.  But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.



Pastor Wanda