Click here to view the pastoral devotional.
WORLD HOMELESS DAY – Sunday, October 10th
- On October 10th at 1pm, you’re invited to join UGM (Union Gospel Mission) for a prayer walk through downtown Spokane. Pray for the homeless, pray for the city, offer hope.
- The walk begins at Mosaic Church, 606 W 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA
- For more info, visit
- Come to watch and cheer on the 12 teams that will be competing in this cooking competition! Each team will attempt to make a 3-course meal from the items found in their mystery basket of ingredients. They have an hour to get their meals prepared and then the Pastor John, Pastor Shawn, & Pastor Hope will sample each meal and then declare a winning team.
NMI Council Meeting – Tuesday, October 12th – 7pm
- There will be a Missions Team Meeting in the Fireside Room. If you are interested in Missions, please join us!
SENIOR LUNCHEON – Wednesday, October 13th – 12pm
- Join us at Old European. Call Roberta to RSVP 509-325-0711.
FALL FESTIVAL COMMUNITY EVENT- Wednesday, October 27th- 6-9pm
- This will be an inter-generational outreach event for our church members and the community.
- We will have live music, hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, inflatable, face painting, and much more!
- If you are interested in helping at this event, sign up at the All-Church Ministries kiosk.
- There will be no Bible studies, Youth Group, or Children’s Mid-week activities on 10/27.
LIGHT THE NIGHT – Sunday, October 31st
- This year our SFNAZ church family is going to light the night around Spokane again! We are looking for SFNAZ families in multiple neighborhoods around town to provide outreach information when you hand out candy to your neighbors.
- The church will provide the following to each family:
- Glow Sticks
- Outreach card with upcoming information about events at our church
- Small sign for your yard, Sponsored by SFNAZ
- Light the Night Home Role:
- Hand out items provided by the church
- Put sign in your front yard
- OPTIONAL: Invite other SFNAZ families to hang out with you at your home to meet and greet neighbors while sharing about the church
- Candy and glow stick donations are now being accepted. For complete information, Click here!
BEAUTIFULLY ROOTED: WOMEN’S RETREAT – (Camp Lutherhaven) November 5th – 7th
- Come enjoy fellowship with multiple generations of women of SFNAZ. The guest speaker is Melissa Mowry. For complete details
visit: or pick up a registration form at the Women’s Ministries kiosk. Registration deadline is October 31st.
- Next week Piecegivers will be distributing 176 items they have made this past year. Life Services will receive 28 crib quilts, 4 baby bath towels, and 8 receiving blankets. The Foster Care program will receive 15 quilts and 5 crib quilts. Twenty-one quilts will go to the Transition House and 38 to Blessings Under the Bridge. A Hand Up at Northwest Connect will receive 5 crib quilts and 52 quilts. God has been faithful in providing donated fabric to make all of these items. All ladies are invited to join in the fun and fellowship while making things that bless others in our community. For all that has been accomplished, God be praised.
- Two Worship Services – 9:30am & 11am
- Learning & Growth Opportunities are offered both hours.
- Youth Learning & Growth Opportunities – 11am
- Children’s Learning & Growth Opportunities – 9:30am
- Children’s Church – 11am
- Are you missing the connection with your pastors? We would love to come by your porch for a brief, socially-distanced prayer time with you and provide you with encouragement during this year! There are 3 ways to request a pastoral visit:
- Contact the church office (509-467-8986 or
- Sign up online at
- Fill out a Porch Prayer w/Pastor card on Sunday morning and place in the offering basket.
You will then be contacted by a staff member to schedule an appointment to meet with one of our pastors. We look forward to seeing you again in this new way of connecting through prayer together.
Tithes & Offering
Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving tithes & offering.
1. Online giving is available here.
2. You may mail your check directly to the church
Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99218
3. Give By Text – Text the dollar amount to (833) 948-2179 and follow the prompts.
Faithfulness in giving
Raised Expenses +/-
General $ 353,300 $ 382,000 -28,700
Missions $40,900 $ 40,100 +800
(As of September 30, 2021)
Thank you for your faithful giving.
Pastoral connection phone line
By calling (509) 239-7849 you can reach a 24-hour voice message service which will allow you to reach the pastoral team directly. You are encouraged to call with:
- Prayer requests & praises
- Grocery needs
- Medication pick up requests
We will do our best to return your calls in a timely manner.
Prayer Chain by Email – Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (
Prayer for District Churches – Lewsiton First & Lewsiton Orchards
Missions Prayer Requests – Namibia & Cambodia
- Pastor Bill Vaughn & family
- Pastor Gary Woodroof
- Tracey Osso
- Wayne Crawshaw
- Janice Wilks
- Pat McCullough
- Ron Ballew
Adult ministries
Adult Learning & Growth – Sundays
- 9:30am – Lecture Style Class led by Charlie Scott: Studying 2 Peter 3 (Fireside Room)
- 11am – Interactive Style Class: Prodigal God (Fireside Room)
Men’s Group – Tuesdays – 6pm
- The Tuesday night men’s group would like to again extend an invitation to join them on Tuesday nights at 6pm IN PERSON in the Conference Room or, weather permitting, outside. The group rotates weekly between topical discussion, marriage, church history/apologetics, and scriptural study.
- For further information or questions, please contact Randy Coffey at (509) 570-4026.
Adult Bible Studies – Wednesdays 6:30pm – 7:45pm
- Join Charlie Scott for an in-depth study of Mark in the Fireside Room. Visitors welcome! This class is also available via Zoom. Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link or enter the meeting ID 8713955701 after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app.
- Women’s Bible Study “Anxious” in the Holy Grounds led by Laurie Richardson
children’s ministries
- Nursery-Toddlers (Infant through 3 non-potty trained years old)
- 2 & 3 year old class ( 3 year olds must be potty trained)
- 4 & 5 year old/Kindergarten Class
- Learning & Growth: 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, and 5th/6th grade classes
- Nursery-Toddlers (Infant through 3 non-potty trained years old)
- PreK – Kindergarten Class (3 year old potty trained through Kindergarten)
- Children’s Church: 1st-6th Grade
Wednesday Night Schedule:
6:30pm – 7:45pm
- Nursery: Infant through 3 years non-potty trained
- Preschool/Kindergarten Bible Buddies: Children ages 3 – 5! Each week the children will have hands-on learning, bible concepts, games, and snack.
- Wacky Wild Wednesdays (1st – 6th grade): Come join the adventure this fall as we have some crazy fun while learning how to grow in Christ. Each week we will have a game, small group bible learning, and some type of challenge. Watch your email for more details!
Special Announcements:
- Pick up a copy of the Fall calendar at the kids check-in counter! Also, watch your email for a copy.
- We need nursery through 6th grade volunteers as we start our Fall schedule of classes. Check out the “I’m Saying YES” board more information.
The new fall calendar is done. Grab a paper copy in the teen room or view the calendar anytime online here: (click the “view online calendar” button)
You can also view the calendar using this link
Unfortunately for several reasons the Call Conference at NNU has been cancelled for this year.
To automatically join the SFNazYouth info text messages, simply text “ADDME” to (509)790-4048. If this doesn’t work or you are still not receiving the text messages or have questions, please contact Pastor Shawn (
In addition to regular text updates, there are also periodic email info updates with more details about upcoming events and youth ministry happenings. These come out monthly. If you (or someone you know) isn’t receiving these emails, you can sign up to receive the emails at
Missions emphasis for OCTOBER – Praying for the people in the 10/40 Window
Most of the people groups still very much unreached by the gospel live in places stretching across northern Africa and southern Asia. Christian missions strategist Luis Bush started calling this rectangular area or band “the 10/40 window.” He used that easy-to-remember name because it covers Africa and Asia from 10 degrees latitude north of the equator to 40 degrees latitude north of the equator.
The statistics from that 10/40 Window can be staggering. Two-thirds of all people on earth live in that rectangular area. Almost all of the world’s 55 least-evangelized countries are in the 10/40 Window. Half of the world’s least-evangelized large cities are in the 10/40 Window. The majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs live in the 10/40 Window.