Church News (Page 28)

Church News (Page 28)

Be Thankful In Tough Times

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again rejoice!”  Philippians 4:4 (NLT) This past Sunday I shared this passage of scripture. This time of pandemic disease can be a stressful time.  It is easy to worry about many things. When the Apostle Paul says, “Always be full of joy in the Lord,” he doesn’t say only be joyful in good times. Even when times are tough, The Bible teaches we can be joyful if we follow…

SFNAZ Newsletter 07/16/2020

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ Happenings Church Office Hours The church office is open with limited hours which will be Mondays and Thursdays from 12pm – 4pm. The phones will continue to be monitored during the regular business hours (Monday – Thursday from 9am – 4pm). Communion Sunday Sunday, July 19th we will be sharing in communion during Live Stream Service at 9:30am & Outdoor Service at 11am. We have pre-packaged communion elements for those who would like…

Waiting for the Lord

      I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.       Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. (Psalm 27:13-14) The path I take to the church from my house passes the community roller-skating rink. I noticed a couple of weeks back they changed their reader board to simply say #STILLWAITING. There’s a lot wrapped up in that hash tag, but it has…

SFNAZ Newsletter 07/09/2020

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ Happenings All-Church 4th of July Scavenger Hunt The Pooler family won the 4th of July Scavenger hunt with 1085 points! Congratulations! It was a fun way to see our SFNAZ families in action.                            Reflecting God Devotionals The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the summer months have arrived. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact the church office (…

Words of Comfort

I have been reflecting on the days since the stay-at-home guidelines began. I went back and started to count the days and realized we are at 116 days since the official word to stay-at-home started.  There are some other things we are able to do now other than stay-at-home, but these last 116 days have been like none other in my lifetime and many of our lifetimes. As I began to think about the emotions I have felt during this…

SFNAZ Newsletter 07/02/2020

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ Happenings All-Church 4th of July Scavenger Hunt This is a virtual scavenger hunt for all ages! It will run from July 3rd @ 10am to July 4th @ 10:30pm! The winning family will get a MOD pizza gift card and a Summer fun pack! Watch for your email for the items we will be hunting! Post your pictures with #SFNAZFAMILYSCAVENGERHUNT in order to be counted for points. Click here for more information. Reflecting…

Do Prayers Have An Impact?

And If we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.” 1 John 5:15 As we approach this July 4th weekend and we remember our nation’s independence, we will continue to look at the characteristics of God that we receive from Him. God’s faithfulness to us as we walk with Him is a characteristic that we can count on. Let me ask you a question: Do you ever…

SFNAZ Newsletter 06/25/2020

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ Happenings Father’s Day Bike Ride, Walk/Hike or Fishing Thanks to all who attended. We have a blast catching up with our church family! Reflecting God Devotionals The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the summer months have arrived. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact the church office ( or 509-467-8986). Church Office Hours Beginning June 1st, the church office will be open with limited hours which will be Mondays…

God Is Worth Our Hope and Trust!

“By faith, Noah built a ship in the middle of dry land. He was warned about something he couldn’t see, and acted on what he was told …. As a result, Noah became intimate with God.” Hebrews 11:7 (The Message) We can have hope for tomorrow because God is worth our trust. Imagine this scene: One day God comes to Noah and says, “I’m disappointed in human beings. In the entire world, no one but you thinks about me. But…

SFNAZ Newsletter 06/18/2020

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ Happenings Father’s Day Bike Ride, Walk/Hike or Fishing Come join the church family for an all church outdoor event! You can bring your bikes or simply take a walk along Fish Lake. Date: Saturday, June 20, 2020 Time: Meet at church parking lot at 10:30am, departing at 10:40am We will ride or walk on the trial and at the end of the trial have a picnic lunch. If you do not walk to…

Steadfast Love

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:22–24 (NRSV)   There’s an old chorus that is running through my head as I type this, the song lyrics are these verses from Lamentations 3 set to music. The refrain begins, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” In…

SFNAZ Newsletter 06/10/2020

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SFNAZ Happenings Father’s Day Bike Ride, Walk/Hike or Fishing Come join the church family for an all church outdoor event! You can bring your bikes or simply take a walk along Fish Lake. Date: June 20, 2020 Time: Meet at church parking lot at 10:30am, departing at 10:40am We will ride or walk on the trial and at the end of the trial have a picnic lunch. If you do not walk to ride or…