Do Prayers Have An Impact?

Do Prayers Have An Impact?

And If we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.”

1 John 5:15

As we approach this July 4th weekend and we remember our nation’s independence, we will continue to look at the characteristics of God that we receive from Him. God’s faithfulness to us as we walk with Him is a characteristic that we can count on.

Let me ask you a question: Do you ever wonder if prayer really works?  Have you ever had a time in your life when you are praying about something and you hear a whisper say to you, “This is a waste of time. Forget it!  What do you think you’re doing?  God is not listening. Don’t waste your time.”?

When that occurs we need to hang on to the knowledge that prayer works because God is in control. The foundation of all miracles is God’s sovereignty.  So if that is the case why does God answer one prayer request and not answer another?  Because God is in control and we do not have the mind of God. We are reminded of that when God tells us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8)

We have to trust His wisdom and His goodness. Ephesians 3:20 says,“God is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes.” (LB)

Prayer can tap into all of the resources of God. All of His resources are available to you.  More than 20 times in the New Testament it says, “Ask.”  It’s encouraging to know that even though things may be out of my control I can still be aware that they are not out of God’s control. I may not be able to change a situation, but I can pray and God can change it.

I am looking forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Pastor Danene

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