

As much as I love summer there’s something about fall that brings routine and a different pace of life. One of my favorite things to look forward to in the fall is the starting back up of our life group. Rusty and I have been blessed over the last 20 years to be part of a life group that meets weekly. Over those years many families have come and gone due to changes in life circumstances and some of those in our life group have been with us since the beginning. But we have felt so blessed to have this community around us as we have gone from young marrieds to having babies together and now sending our kids off to college. Not only has it become our community, but it’s also become our kid’s community. I like to think of it as a tiny church within a big church.


I recently read a devotional that utilized an example from the movie Titanic. As I was thinking about this it made me think of those who have blessed our life so much within our life group. In the final scene of the movie Titanic, as a lifeboat stuffed with people was leaving the sight of the catastrophe, others were swimming in freezing water. The people on the lifeboats began to question if they should go back and try to save others, even if it put themselves at risk. It made me think about if that were my life group going down on the Titanic, would I go back and save more people with the chance that I might drown, or would I save myself?

While this is something that I really don’t like to think about, would fear take over and I would remain in the safety of the boat?  I would love for these people that I do life with and faith in Christ give me strength to save them.  I would hope to think that I would go back in the water for each and every one of those I love. Christ set the ultimate example for us of putting us first and showing unconditional love.


So, as we move into fall, I hope every one of you thinks about how amazing it would be to do life with a small group of people that are there to pray for you any time of the day, lift you up, & help you out in any situation. That is my encouragement for you, to find a life group to join or choose to start and host a group yourself.  Whichever path you follow, get into a community of believers that you can grow together with in Christ.


Acts 2:42-47

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


As we are moving into this new season of life this year, I challenge you to think about the impact of what either leading or joining a life group could make for not only you, but the others that you may have a chance to do life with. Find your community to help you grow. You deserve it!



Pastor Jordan


    Dwight Hille

    Great devotion Jordan. Some of our best friends from 30+ years ago are friends that we shared a life group with. We haven’t been in a group with them for 25 years but they remain very important to us.

    Ray Maxwell

    Thanks Jordan,
    Life groups are so important, I am thinking of a period in my and Sharon’s life that was so difficult and overwhelming that if not for the support and love from our life group, I don’t know if we would have survived.
    They were truly the hands and feet of Jesus to us.

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