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SFNAZ Newsletter 02/25/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL uPCOMING eVENTS ALABASTER SUNDAY – February 28th The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. On Sunday, we will be accepting donations for the Alabaster Offering. Please return your boxes by February 28th. SFNAZ MEMBERSHIP CLASS – Sunday, February 28th – 12pm There is still space available for those who would like to learn more about becoming a member of the SFNAZ…
SFNAZ Newsletter 02/18/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL Baseball Cap sunday Thank you to everyone who participated last Sunday by either wearing a cap or sending pictures! uPCOMING eVENTS ALABASTER SUNDAY – February 28th The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. On Sunday, February 28th, we will be accepting donations for the Alabaster Offering. Please return your boxes by February 28th. SFNAZ MEMBERSHIP CLASS – Sunday, February 28th –…
SFNAZ Newsletter 02/11/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL uPCOMING eVENTS LADIES BIBLE STUDY – Friday, February 12th – 10:30am SFNAZ Ladies are invited to join us for the 7-week Bible Study “Elijah – Faith and Fire” by Priscilla Shirer. This will be held both in-person and on Zoom (Adult Ministries 8713955701). Childcare will be available for those who choose to attend in-person. Sign up beginning this Sunday at the information table, or by contacting the church office (office@sfnaz.org). The book…
SFNAZ Newsletter 02/04/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL uPCOMING eVENTS CALL TO PRAYER – Sunday, February 7th – 6pm Join us in Zoom for a special time of prayer and worship. Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701 LADIES BIBLE STUDY – Friday, February 12th – 10:30am SFNAZ Ladies are invited to join us for the 7-week Bible Study “Elijah – Faith and Fire” by…
SFNAZ Newsletter 01/28/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL uPCOMING eVENTS BONFIRE & BLESSINGS NIGHT – Saturday, January 30th: 4pm – 6pm Join us at the outdoor fire pit at the amphitheater behind the church to reflect on 2020. We will share the blessings that we have identified and the storms we made it through. Come ready to share or simply listen to how God has moved in our weariness. If there is snow on the ground (and not a storm…
SFNAZ Newsletter 01/24/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL uPCOMING eVENTS LADIES COFFEE & CHAT – Friday, January 22nd – 10:30am All ladies are invited to join us on Zoom for an informal Coffee & Chat. Bring your favorite coffee mug (or teacup) for “show and tell”. Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701 BONFIRE & BLESSINGS NIGHT – Saturday, January 30th: 4pm – 6pm Join…
SFNAZ Newsletter 01/14/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL uPCOMING eVENTS LADIES COFFEE & CHAT – Friday, January 22nd – 10:30am All ladies are invited to join us on Zoom for an informal Coffee & Chat. Bring your favorite coffee mug (or teacup) for “show and tell”. Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701 BONFIRE & BLESSINGS NIGHT – Saturday, January 30th: 4pm – 6pm Join…
SFNAZ Newsletter 01/07/2021
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS DID YOU MOVE? If you have moved or have any updates to your contact information, please notify the church office. 2021 TITHING ENVELOPES The 2021 tithing envelopes are now available at the information table. Please fill in your name and address on the same line as the number on your box. Sunday, January 10, 2021 This week Pastor Bill will be teaching “A New Beginning”. Join us for either online…
SFNAZ Newsletter 12/30/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNION SUNDAY Join us in sharing communion on Sunday, January 3rd during morning worship at 9:30am. Those who are joining us online may pick up the elements from the church office Monday – Thursday 10am – 2pm. SFNAZ HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Thursday, December 31st – OFFICE CLOSED Friday, January 1st – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sunday, January 3rd – ONE SERVICE (NO DISCIPLESHIP CLASSES) CALL TO PRAYER There will be no Call…
SFNAZ Newsletter 12/23/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: Thursday, December 24th – 4pm Join us in a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior with music & a candlelight service. If you would rather join us online, you’ll connect the same way you have in the past via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube Channel – SFNAZ Media to know when we are live).…
SFNAZ Newsletter 12/17/2020
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WEEKLY PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL Sunday, December 20, 2020 4th Sunday of Advent – LOVE We are excited to continue the Advent series “Let Earth Receive Her King”. This week Pastor Bill will be teaching “Love”. Join us for either online worship or for in-person worship in the gym at 9:30am. For online worship, you’ll connect the same way you have in the past via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook…
SFNAZ Newsletter 12/10/2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020 3rd Sunday of Advent – JOY We are excited to continue the Advent series “Let Earth Receive Her King”. This week Pastor Bill will be teaching “Joy”. Join us for either online worship or for in-person worship in the gym at 9:30am. For online worship, you’ll connect the same way you have in the past via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube Channel – SFNAZ Media…