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SFNAZ Newsletter 11/04/2021

NEW SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE During our transition time at the church, we are constantly evaluating the needs of ministry to align with the calling of our church family and community. With this in consideration, the pastoral team and church board have decided that beginning Sunday, November 7th, SFNAZ will be moving back to one Sunday Worship Service at 9:30am only (this service will continue to be live-streamed). All Adult, Youth, & Children Learning & Growth Opportunities will be at 11:00am.…

SFNAZ Newsletter 10/28/2021

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24TH What a great day! Family Worship following by a time of fellowship and service. We got a lot accomplished, getting ready for our community outreach this Wednesday. A big thank you to all who participated! SFNAZ FALL FESTIVAL Thanks to all who volunteered for the Fall Festival. We had over 200 people in attendance and it was a great night for the community.      PASTOR APPRECIATION October is Pastor Appreciation…

SFNAZ Newsletter 10/21/2021

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th This coming Sunday is Family Worship. Join us in an intergenerational service as we worship together. We will share in Communion together after Pastor John’s sermon. After service, we will have our Community Gathering that consists of lunch and fellowship in the gym. Then those who are able to help, we will be sprucing up the church grounds. There is lots to be done, raking, mowing, weeding, etc. Please be…

SFNAZ Newsletter 10/14/2021

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. FALL FESTIVAL  COMMUNITY EVENT- Wednesday, October 27th-  6-9pm This will be an inter-generational outreach event for our church members and the community. We will have live music, hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, inflatable, face painting, and much more! If you are interested in helping at this event, sign up at the All-Church Ministries kiosk. There will be no Bible studies, Youth Group, or Children’s Mid-week activities on 10/27. BENEVOLENCE SUNDAY – October 31st…

Newsletter 10/07/2021

Click here to view the pastoral devotional. WORLD HOMELESS DAY – Sunday, October 10th On October 10th at 1pm, you’re invited to join UGM (Union Gospel Mission) for a prayer walk through downtown Spokane. Pray for the homeless, pray for the city, offer hope. The walk begins at Mosaic Church, 606 W 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA For more info, visit www.uniongospelmission.org/whd CHOPPED ALL-CHURCH COOKING COMPETITION – Sunday, October 10th – 4pm Come to watch and cheer on the 12 teams…

Newsletter 09/30/2021

NCS CHURCH ASSESSMENT RESULTS Wednesday, October 6th – 6:30pm All attenders are invited to join us in the Sanctuary to hear the results of the church assessment that was completed in August. There will be no Adult Bible Study or Youth Group. There will be regular mid-week activities for children, nursery – 6th grade. NEW BIBLE STUDY FOR WOMEN & TEEN GIRLS All women & teens girls (7th grade & above) are invited to sign up for our next Bible…

SFNAZ Newsletter 09/23/2021

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. Upcoming EVents ALABASTER SUNDAY – September 26th Bring your loose change (dollar bills and checks marked “Alabaster” work as well) for the wheelbarrows on September 26th. Alabaster Offerings help fund buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. COMMUNION SUNDAY – Sunday, September 26th – 9:30am Join is in the sharing of communion during morning worship. COMMUNITY LIFE GATHERING – Sunday, September 26th This is an intergenerational gathering to reconnect the…

SFNAZ Newsletter 09/16/2021

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PASTORAL DEVOTIONAL. Upcoming EVents ADULT DISCIPLESHIP CLASS – Sunday, September 19th – 11am Pastor Gary Woodroof will continue the Bible Study on the Book of Philippians in the Fireside Room. ALABASTER SUNDAY – September 26th Bring your loose change (dollar bills and checks marked “Alabaster” work as well) for the wheelbarrows on September 26th. Alabaster Offerings help fund buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. Alabaster boxes are available at the missions…

SFNAZ Newsletter 09/09/2021

Click here to view the Pastoral Devotional. Upcoming EVents WELCOME RECEPTION – Sunday, September 12th (after service) Join us as we welcome the new Interim Pastor John Morden. He will be preaching at 9:30am followed by a reception in the gym. JERRY NELSON IN CONCERT – Sunday, September 12th – 6pm Pasadena Park Nazarene Church is inviting everyone to a concert featuring pianist, Jerry Nelson. The concert will begin at 6pm at 8822 E Upriver Drive, Spokane, WA ADULT DISCIPLESHIP…

SFNAZ Newsletter 09/02/2021

Upcoming EVents SFNAZ FAMILY CAMP – September 3rd – 6th Would you like to join SFNAZ Family Camp for the day? We will have Chapel Saturday and Sunday at 10:30am at the outdoor chapel (see the map). Also, we will be on Coeur d’Alene lake to play and fellowship each day between 1:30pm-5:30pm. Daytime visitors are allowed with an $8 per person charge.  A waiver form must also be signed at the welcome center. Email Pastor Hope (hopet@sfnaz.org) if you…

SFNAZ Newsletter 08/26/2021

August 29th: – Serve Day SFNAZ Contact: Pooler Family Locations: NW Connect Ministry House & SFNAZ Gym After Morning Worship Service, join us in the gym for a quick lunch and then help serve others. Sign up to paint or pull staples @ the NW Connect Ministry House (8 – 10 more helpers needed)or help in the gym making fleece blankets for our homeless community. Pastor Gary will not be having his discipleship class this coming Sunday in order to…

SFNAZ Newsletter 08/19/2021

Click here to view the pastoral devotional.   Only 2 more Sunday Summer Socials left! See the remaining dates and locations below!     August 22, 2021 – Hot Dog Picnic & Waterslide SFNAZ Contact: Wintersteen Family Location: Spokane First Church Church Lawn – Come enjoy a hot dog roast with an inflatable waterslide, slip n’ slide, and sand volleyball. Come enjoy fellowship in the sun. August 29th: – Serve Day SFNAZ Contact: Pooler Family Location: Various Locations After Morning…