Posts by Pastor Wanda

Posts by Pastor Wanda

A New Year

Hebrews 4:12 12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. It really isn’t the luck of the draw.  It just happens to be where my name appears on the list of names of pastors who write devotionals for our church.  My first devotional for 2025 and I am already having troubles writing “2025”. I don’t think I have…


I was watching this silly turkey from the deck of the parsonage.  He was at the back of the church inside a fenced area and he couldn’t figure out how to get out.  He started pacing back and forth for like 30 minutes.  The rest of the group of turkeys went about their business looking for something to eat.   Back and forth this turkey went.   Finally, turkey #2 flew in to talk to turkey #1 and tell him how to…

The Tree With Lots of Fruit

There is a tree that grows 40 different fruits on the same tree. Can you imagine how pretty the tree would be in the springtime?  It would be gorgeous.  We have a cherry tree that has three different cherries on it. However, this tree I’m talking about has 40 different fruits.  Peaches, apricots, plums and much more. When the tree was first thought of, it was an art project to reintroduce Americans to native fruit. It takes lots of planning. …


I can’t believe it is just after Pentecost Sunday. It is such a remarkable time for us to live.   Pentecost Sunday is 50 days after Easter.  The Comforter not only was sent to us but remains with us.    He has never left us.  This is a time of great excitement as we watch expecting the Comforter active in our day-to-day living.   We are not alone.  It’s a reminder that we have the Holy Spirit to comfort us 24/7.  Nothing has…


    In the process of being a Pastor, I am called upon to do different things. Sometimes it is praying for someone or just being quiet and listening. Sometimes I get to have a fun time and pray for a baby or officiate at a wedding. Most pastors do a lot of memorials. I love to walk along with others in whatever life event they are going through.   The last memorial was amazing. If ever there was a Proverbs 31 woman,…

Looking Forward to a Better Way of Living

We are almost to a New Year.  It is exciting to be looking forward to 2024. Before we leave this Christmas Season, I have a new thought for each of us to consider.  My text is Matthew 2:1-6 You are familiar with the story.  It is the story of the birth of Jesus.  The Magi came from the east and stopped in Jerusalem to visit King Herod.  They asked the King where the King of the Jews was born.   Most…

What Do I Do With My Calendar?

I sit here looking at my November calendar.  It is not getting filled up at this point.  My calendar only has two places that are filled.  Awesome.  Here is where you can see the Holy Spirit actively at work.  My days get busier with soul names on the spaces.  Yes, I write the names down and what time I should be there.  I even write what I’m doing.  Visiting, praying or doing communion.   Actually those are the fun ones to…

Always Ready

I like to buy those “Jesus Calling” books when I am out junking.  You know going to thrift stores.  It’s one of my favorite things to do.   If I can pick them up for one or two dollars, I am a happy camper.  I love to have them on hand.  If they are leather, I feel I hit the jackpot. I was going to give one to a person having surgery, but she already had one. I went home and…


It was a busy, fun, sad kind of weekend.  I received pictures from my cousins who live in Kansas. They visit our families who have passed and put flowers on all the graves. One particular gravesite sticks out for me.  I had an older brother who lived 8 hours.  After all my parents passed and most of my siblings, I find out that my brother who passed had an actual gravesite.  I was able to see it when we made…

Jesus is the Same

I went to the store the other day to buy my favorite ice cream.  I couldn’t believe my favorite ice cream cost more. The golden potatoes, that I dearly love, have increased.   What is with the price gouge on everything?  My favorite bread costs more.  Most of you know I love McDonalds. It’s been my favorite place to go forever.  I used to have my office there where I would meet others.  In the process of going there so much,…


Our day started out just like all the other days.  Get breakfast ready, fix lunches, feed the cat and get a few things ready so we can continue our adventure.  We get to the church, and everything looks like we left it.  I fix lunch and look around a little.  The House is very spacious, and we enjoy watching the view.  We are blessed to be in such a beautiful place with that dam view! It is a peaceful Saturday. …