Posts by SFNAZ Devotional Team (Page 6)
SFNAZ Pastoral Search Update
Last Sunday I announced that Pastor John W. Morden will serve as our interim pastor. Arriving the first of September, Pastor Morden will minister to the congregation and will assist the Board in completing the search. His wife, Carole and he have three sons and seven grandchildren. He comes to us from the St. Louis area and is well-experienced in working with churches experiencing a senior pastoral change. One component of the search preparation is a “Church Assessment” which will…
Newsletter Devotional: July 22, 2021
On July 11 we started a new Sunday School Class that meets at 11:00AM in the Fireside Room on the book of Philippians. We began by reading Philippians in its entirety, aloud as a class, all four chapters in succession. Then we read together a brief summary of the Book of Philippians as follows: Philippians 1 – The Advancing Gospel, Philippians 2 – Imitate Christ, Philippians 3 – Pressing Onward, Philippians 4 – Rejoice in the Lord. To end our…
Letter From Your Church Board
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) This verse from Proverbs seems most appropriate as we, Spokane First Church of the Nazarene, enter into the search process for our next Senior Pastor. I am confident that the Lord has identified already our next spiritual leader. And now in the coming months, He will lead us to…