Posts by Pastor Danene (Page 2)

Posts by Pastor Danene (Page 2)

Blinded by Christ’s Love

May we always and only see others through the lens of Christ’s love.  The view is completely different depending on which pair of glasses we use for our view.  Below is an article that was written by the Board of General Superintendents in the Church of the Nazarene.  As I read it, I felt it was important for everyone to ‘hear the heart’ of those who help guide us as a denomination.  I value these words from Peter: “Peace to…

Our Faithfulness to Care

There is a theme running through commercials, news casts, newspaper ads and social media posts.  “We’re in this together.”  “If you need help, call someone!”, “Help others.  Be kind whenever you see the opportunity.” A few years ago, I made a decision that if someone was racing to get ahead of me in line at Starbucks or Wendy’s I would just let them go ahead and smile.  When there is road construction and people forget which lane to use, I…


It’s a famous phrase at our house.  When someone is obviously asleep, one of us will say in a rather loud voice, “Are you awake?”Seriously?  They were NOT awake. But someone had something to say, and wanted to be sure their important thought was heard.  I’m not going to say which family member I am talking about.  🙂  “Stay awake, stand firm in your faith, be brave, be strong.  Everything should be done in love.”  I Corinthians 16:13 (Common English…


I just found out that February 20 was “HOODIE-HOO DAY”. It is actually a holiday when residents of the Northern Hemisphere, tired of winter, step outside at noon, wave their hands over their heads and yell “HOODIE-HOO!” This unusual action is supposed to mean that SPRING is only a month away! Please tell me that all of you did this Throughout the last week or so I have noticed #2, #6, #7- these reflect temperature. I seem to move slower…

Choose Joy In God’s Presence

Choose Joy In God’s Presence This phrase comes to my lips, and brain often. Most of the time when I am gritting my teeth, chewing my nails, tapping my foot or closing the car door a little bit too firmly. I know that God has blessed me greatly, I get that everyone has tough seasons and that while I am not going to be “happy” every moment, I can always “choose joy”. “You teach me the way of life. In…
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