“There’s a season for everything and a time for every matter under the heavens: a time for giving birth and a time for dying…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, CEB)

You might think, “Wow, that’s an encouraging passage to start with,” but there’s a reason my mind wandered to Ecclesiastes. As we begin a new year, I’ve been reflecting on a book that offers a timely perspective.

In Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman, the author reminds us that the average person lives about 4,000 weeks. While the book isn’t written from a Christian perspective, Burkeman acknowledges the wisdom found in Ecclesiastes, which often feels foreign in our modern age. The essence of that wisdom is simple: life is finite, and our time is limited.

After passing the age of fifty, I’ve become more aware of time. It’s not a full-blown mid-life crisis, but a noticeable shift in perspective. I now think of spending time as investing in memory making rather than just ticking off a bucket list. I want to savor time, like sipping a mug of coffee on a cold morning.

We don’t have enough space here to explore all the ways we should consider our limited time, but the Psalmist offers guidance: “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12, ESV).

Jesus reminds us, “I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest” (John 10:10, CEB). This fullness of life isn’t about cramming our schedules with activities but finding meaning and purpose in our days. It’s about living intentionally, loving deeply, and serving others. This fullness is also related to the idea of being “in Christ.”

The expressions “in Christ,” “in the Lord,” and “in him” are found 164 times in the letters of Paul alone. All around us, there are those who are unfulfilled and alienated, who are asking what it means to be a human being. They are seeking the secret of satisfaction, of happiness, and are searching for their own identity… without Christ.

As we navigate this new year, let’s remember to cherish each moment, to be aware our time is limited, and keep exploring what it means to live each day to the full “in Christ.”

Will you pray with me?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of time and the wisdom to use it wisely. Teach us to number our days and to live each moment fully in Your presence. Help us to find meaning and purpose in our daily lives, to love deeply, and to serve others with joy. May we always seek to live “in Christ,” finding our true identity and fulfillment in You. Guide us through this unfolding year with Your grace and love. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Shawn