Click Here to view the Pastor Wes’ devotional!
All Giving Reports for tax reporting purposes were emailed in January. If you have not received the email, or you would prefer a printed copy, please call the church office. Thank you.
NEW BELIEVERS CLASS | Wednesdays 6:30p
3-week class led by Pastor Doug Jones to help you begin your new journey with Christ. Sign up on Church center or at the information counter.
Stop at the Holy Grounds Cafe and get a breakfast goodie for your donation of $2-$5. Cash & cards will be accepted. Proceeds go towards Nazarene Youth Conference 2026. We appreciate you helping our students!
ALL-CHURCH SKATE DAY | Sunday, March 9 – 3:15pm
Bring the family and come enjoy a fun afternoon of roller skating with our friends from Bethel Naz & Valley Naz! This is a free event! THIS YEAR, ADMISSION & SKATING FOR EVERYONE IS FREE! Dress up as your favorite superhero and skate the afternoon away, or just come and watch the happenings! We will all meet up at Pattison’s North.
SENIOR LUNCHEON | Wednesday, March 12th – 12p
Join us at Old European. Call Roberta to RSVP 509-325-0711
NW NYI BREAKTHROUGH 2025 | March 14th-16th @ Grandview Naz
This event is an opportunity for students in 6th-12th grade from all over the Northwest District to come together to grow friendships, deepen their relationship with God, and serve the local community. Visit Church Center pricing details! The last day to sign up is March 7.
The Alabaster offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the Church consists of people and not a building. Buildings erected for the purpose of Ministry, help provide a sense of permanence and enhances ministry efforts and convey the attitude “The Church of the Nazarene” intends to put “roots down”, and we are here to help you with a new life in Jesus Christ!!
The Alabaster offering is the offering we take with the wheelbarrows, and the blue building blocks that you can fill up with your loose change and pour out. If you do not have one of the Alabaster building blocks, you can find them in the Holy Grounds Cafe. Also remember when you pour them out into the wheelbarrow you are to hold on to the box and refill them for the next time.
SPORTING CLAY SHOOT | Saturday, March 29th – 8:30a
Come out and enjoy another memorable day of shooting with the SFNAZ men. For more information, pick up a flyer in the Holy Grounds. Sign up on church center or at the kiosk in the foyer.
LADIES COFFEE & BUNCO | Saturday, March 29th – 10a
We would love to have you join us for a game of Bunco or just to come and hang out with other ladies from SFNaz. Bring a snack to share. Sign up on church center.
2026 RIFT VALLEY MISSIONS | March 30th – Informational meeting
Meet after church in the Fireside Room for an informational meeting about the 2026 Kenya Missions trip.
On the fifth Sunday of the month, we take up a separate offering designated for the benevolence fund. This fund helps to support fellow church members, and those within the community in need.
ADULT BIBLE STUDIES | Sunday – 9:30a
- Revelation – A Gospel of God’s Power (led by Doug Jones)
- Luke: Gut-Level Compassion…Perfection Not Required (led by Don & Lorraine Chambers)
REFUGE MEN’S GROUP | Tuesday 6:15p – 8:00p
ADULT STUDIES | Wednesday 6:30p
- The Genius of Jesus (led by Lacey Turner) – Conference Room
- Old Testament Minor Prophets – Practical Wisdom (led by Wanda Aller) – Holy Grounds
- Creation, Evolution & Science Ministries (led by Brian Maloney) – Fireside Room
- Dynamic Marriage (led by Pastor Wes and Cas Hershberger) – Library
- New Beleivers (led by Doug Jones) Begins March 19
Are you looking for a way to connect with SFNaz? Life groups are the perfect way to build community that matters. We would love to have you be part of our life group family. Check out Church Center or contact the office. We’ll do our best to find a group which will work for you. Would you like to lead a Life Group? Please let us know by contacting the office. We’ll host a training session as soon as possible.
- 9:30a
- Nursery for children 3 and under
- Learning and Growth Pre-K – 5th grade
- 10:45a
- Nursery for children 3 and under
- Children’s Church for Pre-K and K
- Grades 1st-5th will join parents in church for worship, then be dismissed before the sermon for Children’s Church
- 6:30p
- Nursery | 3 and under
- Pre-K – 5th grade | Small group lessons and games
Needs in Children’s Department:
- Helpers for special events
- Helper for Pre-K teacher for 10:45a Sunday service (1 hour commitment)
- Nursery help for Sunday morning – to be on a 6-week rotation (1 hour 20-minute commitment)
- Kids’ check in desk help needed 9:30 hour, and 10:45 on a rotation (1 ½ hour commitment per time)
Upcoming Events:
- Family Skating | March 9 – 3:15 – 5:15p – Free
We have rented out the roller rink. Bring your friends and family for a fun afternoon. Come dressed as your favorite superhero. Pattison’s North.
- Pre-Teen gym night | March 29 – 5-7:30p – $3.00
Gym games, Italian sodas and pizza; bring a friend
- Young Families Welcome Lunch | March 30 – 12p
If you have a child in kindergarten or under, bring your family and get to know us over lunch. RSVP on Church Center
- Donuts and Coffee/Juice | April 20 – 9:30a
- Easter Egg Hunt | April 20 – 10:10a
We look forward to having you join us. If you have any questions, please email me
Sunday – 9:30a
- Middle School Learning & Growth – Lent Series
- High School Learning & Growth – Lent Series
Sunday – 10:45a
- Worship Service
Wednesday – 6:30p
- Youth Group 6-12th grade | Games, Snacks, Worship and lessons on God’s Mercy
- March 7 | Breakthrough Signup Deadline – this is the very last day to sign up for breakthrough! The district closes registration at midnight. Sign up on Church Center and then follow the link in your confirmation email.
- March 9 | Superhero Roller Skating – Bring the whole family to Pattison’s North for FREE roller skating! Come dressed as your favorite superhero.
- March 12 | Money Masters – Evelynn and Harris will join us again to teach us more about financial stewardship and being Money Masters.
- March 14-16 | Breakthrough – An ultra fun district event where teens get to connect with God and others. Sign up on Church Center by March 7th.
- March 19 | March Madness Brackets & Basketball Bash – Meet at the church for basketball competitions, snacks and to fill out your March Madness bracket. Bracket help will be available. Bring a snack to share.
- March 29 | Gym Night – CALLING ALL MIDDLE SCHOOLERS! This night is just for you! We will play games in the gym, stuff our faces, and have loads of fun! Invite your friends!! ***Middle Schoolers Only***
- April 6 | Sit Together Sunday – All teens are invited to sit with Pastor Justine during worship service.
- High school Sunday teacher – 1x/month
- Sunday morning check-in volunteer – 1x/month
- Wednesday volunteers
Questions, comments, concerns? Email
Calling all young adults (18-30) to come meet with Pastor Lake in the library for a weekly time to hang out and connect with other young adults.
Are you curious about Celebrate Recovery? We’d love to have you there, whether you are interested in how we address hurts, habits and hangups for you or someone you know, or want to help support the program. We hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Flatt 509-499-6118.
Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving of tithes & offerings.
- Online giving is available.
You may mail your check directly to the church
Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99218
- GIVE BY TEXT – 84321
- Text the dollar amount you would like to give to 84321 and follow the prompts
Faithfulness in Giving
Income Expense +/-
- General $ 695,900 $ 666,300 $ +29,600
- Missions $ 61,000 $ 57,400 $ + 3,600
(March through January 2025)
Thank you for giving generously to your church general fund. Your faithfulness in giving helps to meet our budgeted expenses.
Prayer Chain by Email
- Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (
Prayer for District Churches
- March 2 Walla Walla Amazing Grace and Walla Walla Valley Cowboy
- March 9 Wapato and Wenatchee First
- March 16 Yakima Bethel and Yakima New Hope Community
- March 23 Yakima Trinity and Yakima West Valley
- March 30 Zillah
Missions Prayer Request
- March 2 Cape Verde and Chile
- March 9 Netherlands and New Zealand
- March 16 Nicaragua and Nigeria
- March 23 Panama and Papua New Guinea
- March 30 Paraguay and Peru
Hello Church, as you know we just had our Faith Promise Sunday. A big “Thank you” to all who participated and renewed their pledge or for the first time made a pledge!
Faith Promise pledges are still coming in. It’s not too late for you to submit yours today!
Upcoming Missions Dates
Alabaster Offering – March 16th.
The Alabaster offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the Church consists of people and not a building. Buildings erected for the purpose of Ministry, help provide a sense of permanence and enhances ministry efforts and convey the attitude “The Church of the Nazarene” intends to put “roots down”, and we are here to help you with a new life in Jesus Christ!!
The Alabaster offering is the offering we take with the wheelbarrows, and the blue building blocks that you can fill up with your loose change and pour out. If you do not have one of the Alabaster building blocks, you can find them in the Holy Grounds Cafe. Also remember when you pour them out into the wheelbarrow you are to hold on to the box and refill them for the next time.
Sunday March 30th
On Sunday March 30th at 12:30 pm, Pastor Victor Morrison will be holding an informational and planning meeting, regarding two upcoming Mission trips.
One team will be a medical/construction and Jesus Film outreach team, like pastor Vic has done in past years. The other team will be an ADVENTURE —- Strap on your backpack, toss a leg over the seat and ride a motorcycle beyond the end of the road to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!
An adventure that will change your life, and the lives of people living in villages beyond where the road ends. If you cannot be with Pastor Vic in person, let him know and a zoom meeting may be arranged.
Missions Prayer Request
We are asking our church to pray for our churches and Christian brothers and sisters living in the war-torn countries of Ukraine and Israel. These areas will be in definite need and possibly make use of our Alabaster Offering funds.
Tim and Michelle Eby in South Africa
Yoan and Astrid Camacaro in Italy
Bruce and Cinda McKellips in Portugal
Monica Boseff and the Open Door Foundation in Romania
For stories of Nazarene’s around the world check out Nazarene news.
For information on answering the call “SEND ME”
Submitted by:
Brian Maloney
Missions Team Member