I Identify

I Identify

One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at the table at Jesus side… John 13:23

John, the son of Zebedee, a fisherman by trade, was called by Jesus to be one of his followers. This man was given the unique opportunity to be one of three who were given premier access to Jesus—part of his inner circle. He was also the longest living of Jesus’ disciples. He wrote a large portion of the New Testament, eclipsed only by Paul. He was given the honor of the vision which became the closing book of the Bible. John, the apostle, is distinguished in every way.

As John was writing the story of Jesus, so people everywhere might get the chance to know him as he knew him, he identified himself in a very strange manner: the one whom Jesus loved. He didn’t do that once but also in 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, and 21:20. It was purposeful, then, though we must ask ourselves what the purpose might have been.

This is the same John who asked Jesus to elevate him and his brother to a position of honor in the kingdom Jesus would set up so he and his brother would be at the right and left hand of Jesus, the King. In this identification though the arrogance and self-aggrandizing has been peeled away for something much different, a kind of nameless identity hidden in Christ’s love.

If you were to tell your story of Jesus’ love poured out on you, have you considered how you might identify yourself in that story? I could call myself, “The pastor of SFNaz” but that would point to my career. I could call myself, “The forgiven sinner” but that would draw attention to my behavior when I was without Christ. If I call myself, “the one whom Jesus loved”, it is Jesus who gets all of the attention, and I simply disappear into his embrace.

There is something beautiful about the way John identified himself and something so desirable about it. It reminds me of the very old song, Sweet Will of God which closes its refrain, “Sweet will of God, still draw me closer, ’till I am wholly lost in Thee”.

Prayer for today:

Jesus, lover of my soul, let me become so identified with you that you become the core of my being, the essence of my character, the first whisper of my lips, the last thought of my mind before I lie down, my hope when I wake, and the name by which I am known to all. Amen.


Pastor Wes


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