Isaiah 6:8

Isaiah 6:8

I first felt a definitive call to ministry when I was on a Work and Witness trip to Kenya at the age of 16. I was so excited to share this call with the other people on the trip, as well as the Kenyan pastors we have gotten to know well over the years. They all affirmed my call and told me I would do great things for the Lord. When we came home, I shared the news of my call with Pastor Bill and the church congregation. Once again people were overjoyed for me and affirmed my call. I was on fire for God and ready to go to the ends of the earth to minister to people in God’s name! But… I was still only 16 years old, starting my junior year of high school.  There was no way I could go to the ends of the earth at that time. I began feeling like there was nothing I could do at the moment for God.  My roaring fire became a small candle that I pushed to the back of my mind to be used “someday” but not today.

After a few years I finally felt like I had the chance to bring that small candle out and use it by going to college to become a pastor. Reflecting on my journey and on Isaiah 6:8, I have come to realize I never needed to put this fire for God to the side. You see, I always read this verse in Isaiah as God asking who would go to a far-off place to speak God’s words and Isaiah saying he would go anywhere for God. But looking at the larger context of this story, Isaiah is having a vision in which he is talking directly with God (super cool) about the people of Israel who have collectively turned from following the Lord to worshiping false gods. God is asking “who will I send to this people, my people right here in Israel?” And Isaiah responds, “Lord, send me! Duh! I am right here. I am an Israelite. These are my people, my friends and family, my community. I am the obvious choice. Send me God!”

This is what God is asking of each of us.  To go to our friends, neighbors, and community to share the love of God with them. We like to say we would do anything for God.  We would cross the globe for God, so why do we not cross the street? I want to challenge you today to be like Isaiah and say “yes” to the call of being the hands and feet of Jesus not just across the globe but also in your neighborhood.

Prayer: Loving God, you are the ultimate sender, you know exactly who needs someone to bring your light and love into their life. Help me to see who you are asking me to go to and give me the courage to say yes. Amen


Pastor Justine