My Shepherd

My Shepherd

1 The Lord is my shepherd;
I have what I need.
He lets [makes] me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside quiet waters.
He renews my life;
he leads me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.

Psalm 23:1-3 CSB

My life has been pretty chaotic recently. Moving to a new apartment, trips to see family, helping with VBS, running a rummage sale, getting ready for two weeks of camp, trying to spend time with Lake, and everything else that needs to happen when you are adulting. Throughout this time, I have begun to view rest as this illusive thing. I believe it’s real and I see those around me talking about it, but I can’t seem to find it myself. Rest has become like Bigfoot to me. People say he is out there somewhere, but I am not entirely convinced.

When thinking about writing this devotional, I decided to pick something that I need to hear, because others probably need the same message. When I talk about rest and the bible, my mind immediately goes to Psalm 23, a psalm I have known since childhood but never really thought much about. However, when I read the verses to understand, I find a truly wonderful message. God wants to take care of all my needs, my physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. God wants to give me rest, life, and direction, all the things I crave most during this season of life.

I say God wants to give us these things because it’s true. It is also true that God will never force them on us. This is why I love this version of Psalm 23.  Most versions say “He makes me lie down,” but this version chooses to use the word “lets.” Like Pastor Wes talked about on Sunday, God will let us turn away if we choose, God will never force us to stay, but God will also never leave us. In the same way our Shepherd will not make us accept the good things God has for us but will instead offer them and wait until we are ready to accept them. Whatever type of season you are in right now I encourage you to step into the loving, life-giving rest that God is offering to you.  All you have to do is accept the offer to lie down in green pastures.


Loving Shepherd, help us to accept your offer of rest, life, and direction by showing each of us how to turn to you and lie down in green pastures. Amen



Pastor Justine

One Comment

    Jeanne Kalbfleisch

    Justine, this touched my heart. Rest isn’t always physical; sometimes it’s laying down those situations I want so desperately to “fix”. Thank you for the reminder that my Good Shepherd is right here, saying let it go, Jeanne, lay it down and rest in me.

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