SFNAZ Newsletter – June 2024

SFNAZ Newsletter – June 2024

Click Here to view the Pastor Wes’ devotional!

The summer edition of, Reflecting God devotional is now at the information desk.


Are you looking for a way to connect with friends?  Life Groups are such a cool way of doing that.  Check out Church Center right now.  There are several that have openings and they would love to welcome you.  If you don’t find the perfect fit, please call the office and let them know what you’re looking for.

We plan to launch even more Life Groups in the Fall.  Be looking for training dates.


Keep in touch with the SFNAZ family through this feature. If you haven’t connected to the church center app or created a church center account, visit: spokanefirstnaz.churchcenter.com to get started or contact the church office.  We will be happy to help you.


SFNAZ SUMMER MUSIC & DRAMA | Registration is open

This year, the SFNAZ Summer Music & Drama will be performing “God Squad”.  Children entering Kindergarten – 8th grade are welcome to join us.  Go to church center for complete details.

YOUNG ADULT HANGOUT | Tuesdays (Begins June 11) – 5p

Calling all young adults (18-30) to come meet with Pastor Lake in the gym for a weekly time to hang out and connect with other young adults.

 SENIOR LUNCHEON | Wednesday, June 12 – 12p

 Join us at Old European.  Call Roberta to RSVP 509-325-0711.


Please join Larry and Ardis Yake as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.  It will be held in the Holy Grounds Cafe June 15 from 2-4p.  Come enjoy cake, live music, and memories!

SPOKANE IN BLOOM | Saturday, June 15 – 8:15a

SFNAZ Ladies will be meeting at the church at 8:15am to carpool to the Spokane in Bloom Garden Tour.  We will enjoy lunch together on the tour as a group.  Flyers with all the details are available at the Women’s Ministry kiosk.  Sign up on Church Center.

FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST | Sunday, June 16 9:30 – 10:30a

Bring your dad, grandpa, neighbor, uncle, or friend to celebrate fatherhood!  Enjoy breakfast and great fellowship.  Everyone is Welcome!  RSVP on Church Center or call the church office to assist us in preparing a meal for everyone.  We are excited to have you join us.


Life Services provides free medical care through their clinics for moms and dads to be.  If you would like to help, pick up a baby bottle in the Holy Grounds and fill it with coins or dollars (or even a check), and return it on July 21st.

CAR WASH | Wednesday, June 19 4:30p

Come get your car washed and support our children and teens going to summer camp.
Kids and teens will be washing cars from 4:30-7:00p in the church parking lot, 9004 N Country Homes Blvd.  Prepurchase tickets for a donation.

VBS 2024 | SCUBA | June 24 – 27

Kids ages 4years – 6th grade will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Join us as we dive deep into an amazing undersea adventure where we’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. Volunteer registration is open!  Register on church center or visit sfnaz.org/vbs for details. Volunteers must be 7th grade or older and a background check is required.

No midweek services July 3 | Office will be closed on July 4


If you’d like to get up in the mountains, smell the fresh air and see some amazing sights, grab your motorcycle, ATV, UTV or anything else that you can ride on Forest Service roads and come with your fellow First Church friends to Priest Lake, Idaho.  We will be riding to the top of Sundance Mountain and around Camel Prairie Loop where you can have views almost to Canada, as well as a great view of the entire Priest Lake Basin.

We will meet in the church parking lot at 8:30 am, arrive at Priest Lake around 10:45 am and the ride will take around 3.5 hours, though the rides can be extended if those going would like. Bring your own water and lunch. Get on the roster at Church Center Signups. We hope to meet you there for a great ride in the mountains.

NOTE: Vehicles will need an Idaho OHV sticker that may be purchased for $12 at North Spokane Auto Licensing, 10208 N Division St Suite 101, or online at  https://parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/activities/atv-motorbike/where-to-buy-stickers/


Empty the house and load up the car and join SFNAZ at Avista Stadium to watch the Spokane Indians! Bonus, it’s Yoke’s Family Feast Night at Avista Stadium.  Tickets $6 per person. SFNAZ Youth Group Special OFFER – $10 gets you into the game, and 2 food items of your choice! You must pre-register & pay through church center!


Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving of tithes & offerings.

  1. Online giving is available.

 You may mail your check directly to the church
          Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
          9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
          Spokane, WA 99218

 GIVE BY TEXT – 84321

  • Text the dollar amount you would like to give to 84321 and follow the prompts


Faithfulness in Giving

                                          Income             Expense             +/-

  •  General           $ 161,550         $ 190,000           $ -28,450
  • Missions          $   12,350         $   10,950           $ + 1,400                 

(March through May 2024)

Thank you for giving generously to your church general fund. Your faithful giving helps to meet our budgeted expenses.


Prayer Chain by Email

  • Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (office@sfnaz.org).

Prayer for District Churches

  • June 2 |Colville and Connell
  • June 9 | Dayton and Deer Lake Lakeside
  • June 16 | Deer Park and Ephrata
  • June 23 | Goldendale and Grand Coulee
  • June 30 | Grandview First
  • July 7 | Grangeville

Missions Prayer Requests

  • June 2 – Suriname and Swaziland
  • June 9 – Sweden and Dominica
  • June 16 – Dominican Republic and Ecuador
  • June 23 – Egypt and Switzerland
  • June 30 – Syria and Taiwan
  • July 7 – Tanzania and Thailand



  •        Wayne Aller
  •        Susan & Doug Wold
  •        Tracy Aronson
  •        Lloyd Brown
  •        Ken Fuller
  •        Floyd Smith
  •        The Cote Family
  •        Sheryl Valoff
  •        Marion Park
  •        Lyn Miller

Bereavement ~ Donna Koehn passed away June 5.  Please keep the family in your prayers for peace and comfort.



ADULT BIBLE STUDIES | Sunday – 9:30a

  • Revelation – A Gospel of God’s Power (led by Doug Jones in the Fireside Room)
  • Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table (led by Don and Lorraine Chambers in the Library)

ADULT BIBLE STUDIES | Wednesday Evening 6:30p

  • Victory in Spiritual Warfare
  • Twelve Unlikely Heroes
  • Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis (Men’s Study)

CELEBRATE RECOVERY | Friday’s 6:30p – led by Terry Turner

  • Celebrate Recovery is a biblically balanced approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to our hurts.  For more information, visit: sfnaz.org/celebrate WALK-INS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!
SFNAZ Children’s & PreTeen Ministries



  • Nursery-Toddlers (Infant through 3 non-potty-trained years old)
  • PreK- Kindergarten Children’s Church (3-year-old potty trained through kindergarten)
  • 1st-5th grade Children’s Church– dismissed after children’s sermon in sanctuary.


Wednesday | 6:30 – 7:45p

  • Nursery:Infant through 3 non-potty trained
  • Pre-K: If’s, And’s & But’s
  • 1st-5th: Lesson on Integrity, Small Group Studies and games.

Upcoming Events

June 17 | 5th grade surprise – A last hurrah before you enter the teen department – more info to come

Needs in Children’s Department:

  • Pre-K teacher for 9:30 Learning and Growth
  • Helper for Pre-K teacher for 9:30 Learning and Growth
  • Nursery help for both hours on Sunday
  • Wednesday night teacher for Pre-K


  • VBS | June 24-27
  • All Church BBQ |June 26
  • Summer Music and Drama registration is open
  • Kids/Tween Camp | July 29 – August 2
  • Family Camp | August 30 – September 2

Please email me with any questions, jordanr@sfnaz.org


6-12 graders, you are invited to join the youth group on Wednesdays 6:30-8pm through the summer for a time of fellowship and fun. We will be doing a different fun activity each week.


June 15 | 10:00-2:00 – Summer Kickoff – Youth and their families are invited to meet at Linwood Park to celebrate the end of the school year and beginning of summer. Sign up on Church Center.


June 17 | 10:00-2:00 – Middle School Event – Youth who have just completed 5th, 6th, or 7th grade are invited to participate in a surprise event just for them. Meet at the church at 10:00a to start the fun. Cost is $20. Sign up on Church Center.


June 19 | 4:30-7:00 – Car Wash – Come wash cars and earn money for your student account to help pay for the awesome events we do throughout the year. Shortened lesson after the car wash is finished.


June 23 | 10:45 – Promotion Sunday – Welcome incoming 6th graders!! All youth will start service in the sanctuary then move to the youth room for some fun and games.


  • Wednesday night volunteers to hangout, have fun, and love on youth.


  • July 3 | No Youth Group 
  • July 10 | All-Church Indians Baseball Game
  • July 8-12 | Rummage Sale Setup 
  • July 13 |Rummage Sale Fundraiser 
  • July 22-26 | Teen Camp
  • July 29-August 2 | Tween Camp


  • The youth group will be having POP-UP events throughout the summer. These are low-key, fun events that will be announced on Instagram (@sfnazyouth) and Facebook (SFNAZ Youth Ministries) less than a week in advance. So be sure you are following the youth groups pages, so you don’t miss out!

Please email me with any questions, justinew@sfnaz.org


Worship Team

  • If you have an interest in being a part of the Sunday morning worship team, reach out to David Dixon. We are always interested in exploring how different people’s musical gifts fit into our weekly worship rhythms.

Audio/Visual Media Team

  • Are you a techie or creative person, or both? We are always looking to train additional people in how to run our sound system and live streaming system. Or are you interested in helping us create video content to use online or during services let’s talk!

If you are interested in being a part of any of the opportunities listed above in worship ministry, please let David Dixon know.

David can be reached at davidd@sfnaz.org


Mission Trip to Kenya

  • Hello Church, as you may know Pastor Victor Morrison will be leading a missionary trip to Kenya Africa next month.  It is a medical trip comprised of members from several different states.  They will also be showing the Jesus film and dispersing the  “Shoes That Grow”!  As of now we have collected just over $9,400. The goal is $10,000 which would be 500 pairs of shoes. Thank you Church for your support!

Piece Givers

  • Our SFNaz sewing group, Piece Givers, is also contributing to Victor’s missions trip.  Piece Givers is supplying the trip with 46 knit hats, 25 full quilts, 39 baby quilts, 40 receiving blankets, 109 girls dresses with shorts, 83 sets of boys shorts with t-shirts! Wow!  Praise God and all who participated!  As you can imagine this has depleted the supply for this great ministry.  Piece Givers has committed to more quilts later this year. So if you can help resupply these women please do.

Nazarene News from around the World

  • Africa region brings the gospel to Camelback.
    • Reaching the nomadic people of Africa has been a challenge for missionaries and evangelists due to the hardship of the lifestyle. However, a breakthrough has given the Church of the Nazarene in Africa a plan and strategy for evangelizing and disciplining these groups of people.  The missionary asked the nomad,” What would it take for you to become a follower of Jesus?”  The nomad replied,” when you can put your church on the back of a camel, I will consider becoming a Christian.”  And that is what evangelists have done— put the church on Camelback.  Through this strategy, a team of two evangelists share the responsibility for a small herd of camels owned by the Church of the Nazarene.  These evangelists themselves come from a nomadic background. They take turns traveling with the nomads and large groups and sharing the word of Jesus with individuals in the group.  The one-on-one evangelism in the nomad’s context has been highly effective, and many nomads are coming to the Lord. This strategy also works well for discipleship. The Church of the Nazarene now has several teams working among the nomads, with plans to develop more teams as resources become available.
  • Belgium Church plant making impression in centralized community.
    • Belgium recently became the 165th World area of the Church of the Nazarene. The efforts of a church plant in Mechelen are making an impression on the country’s deeply secular culture thanks to a traditional service, and a deeper dive into scripture through a Bible study called “Holy Club.”
  • Brazil National NMI meeting challenges leaders.
    • Nearly 200 Nazarene Missions international leaders gather together in Conde, Paraiba, Brazil, for the 5th National NMI meeting, where attendees learn more about their role in missions, under the theme “Until He comes.”
  • Nazarene’s respond to devastating floods in Brazil.
    • Torrential rainfall in Brazilian state of Rio Grande del Sol has caused widespread flooding, displacing more than 530, 000 people and directly affecting more than 2 million. Today, 151 deaths have been confirmed.
  • Asia- Pacific NMI  host Love for Missions event.
    • Since 2022, the Asia-Pacific region Nazarene Missions International has continually connected Nazarene missions to local churches and districts. The Asia-Pacific region gathered on 28th April 2024 for the third year of the Love for Missions celebration.


  • Tim and Michelle Eny in South Africa.
  • Bruce and Cinda McKellips in Portugal
  • Jeff and Rachelle in Canada
  • Monica Boseff and the Open Door Foundation in Romania.
  • Victor Morrison and the African team.
  • Brazil, for the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

Jeff Shea, Missions


One Comment

    Terry Turner

    A moose is kind of like an elephant. You give it anything it wants and quietly leave.

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