

I can’t believe it is just after Pentecost Sunday. It is such a remarkable time for us to live.   Pentecost Sunday is 50 days after Easter.  The Comforter not only was sent to us but remains with us.    He has never left us.  This is a time of great excitement as we watch expecting the Comforter active in our day-to-day living.   We are not alone.  It’s a reminder that we have the Holy Spirit to comfort us 24/7.  Nothing has changed as we anticipate anew that The Father is still taking care of us.  That the Father loves us enough to fall afresh on me and you.  This reminds us that He has a plan for us right now, right at this time, and right in this place.  We need to be reminded that we don’t need to worry, stew or be concerned. The Comforter is with us.

We go to church expecting a new look.  I want the Holy Spirit to be as active in my life today as he was on that first Pentecost with Jesus ascending into Heaven and the Comforter coming, suddenly like a blowing violent wind that comes from Heaven.  Please Father, fall fresh on me.    The scripture reads with more excitement.  The scripture is new to me, again. The scripture is comforting with a fresh look of the Comforter.  I want to scream from the mountains.  Taste and see!  Taste and see what the Comforter has for you. Taste and see anew!

Without Jesus shedding His blood, it would be just another day! There would be no fanfare.  Jesus would have been just another rabbi or a teacher. When you look at other religions, it may be shocking to see that their founders and leaders did not raise to life.  They did not send a Comforter.  They didn’t send anything because they simply died and were buried.  Mohammed died.  He didn’t rise from the dead.  Neither did Confucius.  What about Buddha?  Nope. All the founders and leaders that claimed to have a new religion, they died too.   That’s why your religion and church you choose is so important.

What did the resurrection of Jesus Christ do for you and me?  The resurrection of Jesus Christ did everything for us. Jesus took our punishment for our sins.  He did not sin, but knew mankind needed a Savior.  Then Jesus said I send a Comforter to you. Here is what we do:

 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. Matthew 6:33

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.   Hebrews 13:8

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.  Matthew 7:14

I end with this Scripture. One of my favorites.  Taste and See!

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.  Psalm 34:8

Taste and see with a fresh look!

Pastor Wanda