Be Still

Be Still

It is Saturday, and as I write this devotional-the second one.  It’s kind of like last week. I had a sermon all written out for Sunday and the Holy Spirit is telling me this isn’t the sermon I want you to do.  Ok, I get this.  It happens to all Preachers, but now it’s Friday morning.  I did have things running through my brain so that did make the new sermon much easier.  These kinds of sermons are the best.

Back to Saturday.  I’m sitting here praying over my calendar.  What a different group of people this week.  From the young to the old.   All with different personalities, all with issues and all of them love Jesus.  As I continue to pray, I’m glancing at next week.  I need to see three or four of my McDonald girls.  Father, keep me focused as I consider today.  Just today, Father, just today.   I have Wyatt’s bread raising, and just started regular bread that needs to be finished today.  I need to get over to Roger’s High School for a craft sale to see a friend.  I need to get potatoes peeled and mashed for supper today. My mind just won’t stop thinking of things I need to do.  Do you understand what I am talking about?

In the middle of all this chaos the Father whispers to me, or maybe shouts to be heard over all the stuff.  Be still my child, be still.  We will work on the calendar, we will work on the people you need to see, but for this moment I want you to close your eyes and be still.    So, I do what the Father tells me to do.  I sit still and close my eyes and the peace that washes over me is cleansing for my soul.   It is exactly the nourishment I need.


I can face my calendar and the chores that I need to finish, only this time the Father is leading the way. I am where I need to be both spiritually and physically.   I can get all this finished and even add a couple things.  I might even be able to squeeze in a nap.  It’s good to have a Father that knows exactly what we need, and when we need it.

I encourage you to listen to the Father where ever you are. You might have all these things on your day that absolutely needs to get finished.  Get somewhere to sit and close your eyes and best of all listen for the Father’s voice.  Be still my child, be still. You know what verse I am talking about:

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth.  Psalms 46:10


God Bless,

Pastor Wanda

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