SFNAZ Newsletter 09/03/2020

SFNAZ Newsletter 09/03/2020


SFNAZ Happenings

Labor Day Weekend

  • All-Church Campout begins on Friday, September 4th.
  • Join us in worship online Sunday, September 6th at 9:30am or in the park at 11am.
  • There will be no Call to Prayer on Sunday, September 6th.
  • The church office will be closed on Monday, September 7th.

Reflecting God Devotionals

  • The “Reflecting God” devotional books for the fall months have arrived. If you would like one, please contact the church office (office@sfnaz.org or 509-467-8986).

Adult Bible Study via Zoom – Tuesdays at 7pm

  •  Adult Bible Study with Pastor Danene “Twelve Unlikely Heroes”, a 12-week study by John MacArthur.

September is Alabaster Month

  • The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings for the Church of the Nazarene around the world. During the month of September, we will be accepting donations for the Alabaster Offering. Alabaster boxes will be available to pick up during Outdoor Worship on Sunday mornings. You may also contact the office to arrange a pick up during the week. Please plan to return your boxes by September 13th.

Crisis Care Kits

  • Crisis Care Kits are an assortment of personal items given by the Church of the Nazarene to people who have suffered because of natural disasters anywhere in the world.
  • First Church will be gathering these kits starting September 20th.   If you would like to donate a kit you can get the bag and a list of items at the church service Sunday morning September 20th.  Or you can purchase the items and bring them to the church in any bag and the NMI Council will repack the kit into the required 2 gallon zip lock bag.   Please provide only the items/quantities listed.  Please return the kits by September 27th.  Thank you for your care and your support of Nazarene Missions.

Crisis Care Kit Contents:

        • 1 Shampoo (12 to 18 oz.)
        • 2 Bars of soap (bath size or larger)
        • 1 Toothpaste (4.0 to 6.4 oz.)
        • 3 Toothbrushes (in original packaging)
        • 1 Box of band-aids (30 or more)
        • 1 Fingernail clippers
        • 1 Sturdy hair comb
        • 2 Hand towels
        • 4 Pocket-sized pkgs. Kleenex
        • 1 Beanie Baby-sized stuffed toy

Church Office Hours

  • The church office is open with limited hours which will be Mondays and Thursdays from 12pm – 4pm. The phones will continue to be monitored during the regular business hours (Monday – Thursday from 9am – 4pm).
  • (Please note Monday, September 7th the office will be closed in observance of Labor Day).


  • Guy Williams would like to thank everyone who helped celebrate his 96th birthday by sending him cards in the mail or calling him on the phone. He is very grateful for his church family.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Join us in online worship at 9:30am. Pastor Gary Woodroof will be teaching “God Our Refuge” Psalm 46. You’ll connect the same way you have in the past  via both Facebook and YouTube (Be sure to follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube Channel – SFNAZ Media to know when we are live). Log on a few minutes before 9:30am and look for the LIVE notification.

Join us for morning worship at 11:00 a.m. in the park behind the church. Pastor Gary Woodroof will be teaching “God Our Refuge” Psalm 46. PLEASE WEAR A FACE COVERING (masks will be provided to those who may need one) AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING. Bring your own lawn chair if possible.  There will be signs and directions when you arrive. We are asking that you keep your family in your designated area to respect the social distancing requirements. PLEASE DRESS CASUALLY. CLICK HERE to view the songs and lyrics for Outside Worship Service.

Tithes & Offering

Thank you so much for your faithful support of our church! Here are a few options available to continue with giving tithes & offering.
1. Online giving is available here.
2. You may mail your check directly to the church
             Spokane First Church of the Nazarene
             9004 N Country Homes Blvd.
             Spokane, WA 99218

3. Give By Text – Text the dollar amount to (833) 948-2179 and follow the prompts.

Faithfulness in giving

Raised            Expenses               +/-

  • General              $268,700         $263,400           +5,300
  • Missions             $27,100          $26,700              +400

(As of July 31, 2020)

Pastoral connection phone line

By calling (509) 239-7849 you can reach a 24-hour voice message service which will allow you to reach the pastoral team directly. You are encouraged to call with:

  • Prayer requests & praises
  • Grocery needs
  • Medication pick up requests

We will do our best to return your calls in a timely manner.


    • Prayer Chain by Email – Contact the church office to receive prayer requests by email (office@sfnaz.org).
    • Prayer for District Churches – Jim Clifton, District SDMI Chair, & his team as well as Billy Buisman, NYI President & his team
    • Missions Prayer Requests – Malawi & Martinique
    • Pastor Bill Vaughn
    • Jeanette Smith
    • Barb Sires
    • Karen Mahar
    • Richard Morgan
    • Floyd Smith
    • Chris & DeLania Hargrave
    • Kellan Burns
    • Crystal Vines
    • Christine Cody’s sister
    • Tina and Anthony Cerenzia-Delgado
    • Beloved member, Vi Brown passed away last week. Please pray for her family as they go through this difficult time.
    • Randy Coffey’s mother passed away. Please pray for Randy and his entire family.

Adult ministries

During this time, we are trying to find ways to stay connected with the church family. We have opened up an Adult Ministries Room on Zoom. If you have not used Zoom before, it is a virtual audio and visual chat room that, depending upon your settings, allows people to see you (via webcam or mobile device camera) and hear you (via computer microphone/webcam or mobile device). For mobile users, you can download the Zoom app. Desktop users can click on the Zoom Meeting Link and follow the instructions. Phone numbers are also provided for each meeting for those who would rather place a phone call to access the meeting. If you have questions, feel free to email the office (office@sfnaz.org) or pastoral team.

Below is a list of upcoming meetings:

  • 09/08/20: Men’s Group – 6pm on ZOOM (Use Youth Ministries Zoom Meeting Room)
  • 09/08/20: Adult Bible Study –  7pm on ZOOM  “Twelve Unlikely Heroes”

Click here for Adult Ministries Zoom link, or enter the meeting ID after tapping “Join a Meeting” in the Zoom app 8713955701

In Person bible study (Adult ministries)
  • Wednesdays in the courtyard area at 6:45pm. Pastor Danene will be teaching “Twelve Unlikely Heroes”.

children’s ministries

Check your mail for the Fall ministry calendar!  Pastor Hope will be mailing out the calendar during the week of September 7th.

Bible Quizzing

  • Are you interested in bible quizzing this year?  We are forming our quiz team now and the district is organizing for meets.  Please email Pastor Hope at hopet@sfnaz.org to sign up!

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School on the Lawn @ 11am

Children 3 years through 6th grade come to the 11am service with your parents & join your Sunday School class during the sermon.

*Nursery Care provided for under 3 years old, temperature checks required


9/6: Due to the holiday weekend and family camp, the children will remain in service

9/13 & 9/20: Sunday School on the Lawn will resume

9/27: Faith Promise Sunday, the children will remain in service to hear our missionary speaker

Watch for a letter in the mail for our Fall kick-off for ministry starting back in the building starting Sunday October 4th.


Bible Time with Pastor Hope will resume on September 14th.


10am Kindred Moms Coffee and Prayer Group

Kindred Moms is taking a break during the month of September.  Keep an eye on the Facebook group for our Fall kick-off event.

6:45-8pm Wednesday Night Fun

Children Kinder-6th grade will be meeting outdoors with pre-approved Covid-19 guidelines. Nursery and PreK class is provide indoors as well.

September 9th: Recycle/Reuse Night: Come make something out of nothing and learn about how God make something out of nothing as well!

September 16th:  We will kick of our Dynamic Discipleship groups again.  Keep an eye out for the details!







Date: October  3, 2020

Time: 10am-3pm

Come for our Fall one day bible school event on October 3, 2020! Children ages 4 years old through 6th grade are welcome.  Children will be grouped according to their ages.

We will start at 10am and wrap up by 3pm.

Registration deadline is 9/25.

We will have small age grouped activities throughout the day and serve lunch. This will be a time of growing closer to the Lord and having fun with others.

-All events will be outdoors!

-All participants will need to wear a face covering (neck gaiter, face shield or mask), have their temperature checked, and liability waiver signed (by a parent or legal guardian) in order to participate.

-All volunteers are required to have a current national background check, wear a face covering, have their temperature checked, and sign a liability waiver.

Date: October 30, 2020

Time: 5-8pm

Families come join us for some safe and exciting fun! We will have some fun characters for you to meet, silly games you can do from the window of your car, and TONS of candy! Drive Thru participants will vote on their favorite trunk!  Drive thru entrance will be on Country Homes Blvd and will exit at the back of the parking lot.

We are looking for Trunk or Treat volunteers and candy donations.  There will be a $50 MOD pizza gift card to the most creative vehicle! Candy can be dropped off at the church office during office hours and volunteers can sign up by emailing Pastor Hope Terhaar at hopet@sfnaz.org.  We need about 15 decorated trunks to make this event a success!


Wednesday, September 9th @ 6:45pm – At the church in the Park

Gather in the park behind the church at 6:45pm, we’ll wrap up by 8:15pm. Be prepared to practice social distancing and please wear a mask.

Upcoming Events

Mon, September 21
Zoom Parent Meeting

Sat, September 26
Centennial Trail Bike Ride
(Meet at Mirabeau Park at 1pm – More details to follow)

Fri, October 16
Virtual Escape Rooms
(Meet at the church at 7pm)

New TEEN Guys Discipleship Group

Monday, August 31st @ 4:30pm, meeting at the church… Pastor Shawn along with Rusty Roth and Ryan Pooler will be leading an intentional discipleship opportunity for teen boys. After this meeting we will take a break for a couple of weeks for the start of school.

This will coincide with the restart of the Girls Bible Study facilitated by Pastor Hope and Jordan Roth to begin in September.

New Info Update Emails

Back by popular demand 🙂
In addition the regular text updates, there will once again be periodic email info updates with more details about upcoming events and youth ministry happenings.

If you are in the student ministries database, you should automatically start receiving these emails. If you (or someone you know) isn’t receiving these emails, you can signup to receive the emails at http://sfnaz.org/youth

NOTE:  Please DM/text or email Pastor Shawn (shawns@sfnaz.org) if you are not receiving the SFNazYouth info text messages or have questions. To automatically join the text messages anytime text “ADDME” to (509)790-4048


September Emphasis – Alabaster Offering

The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. The entire Alabaster Offering goes toward the purchase of land and construction of churches, schools, medical facilities, and homes for missionaries and national workers. In 2017-2018, Alabaster funds were released for 102 projects in all six regions around the world. In 2018, Nazarenes gave $2,460,000. No Alabaster funds are used for administrative costs.