Posts from December 2024
SFNAZ Newsletter December 2024
Click here to view the weekly devotional. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS ALL-CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY & AUCTION | Wednesday December 11 – 6p We will be celebrating Christmas together as a SFNAZ family. A sit-down dinner, music, an auction, pastoral skit, and more! We would love to have the entire congregation join us! CHRISTMAS LOVE OFFERING If you would like to bless our pastoral staff with a Christmas Love Offering, mark your gift “Pastors’ Christmas Gifts” and place it in the offering box.…
Hang Your Harp on the Willows
Psalm 137:2 On the willows there we hung up our lyres. Imagine being a young adult, witnessing atrocities of a waring nation decimating your family, being led away from your homeland in chains, arriving in a foreign country as a slave, and being required to sing. But you’re not being asked to sing any old song but songs of deliverance and hope, so your captors could make fun of you. Sounds like a hopeless picture. In fact, if there were…