Take your next step

…Toward Jesus. Join us this Sunday!
9:30am | Learning and Growth (All ages)
10:45am | Sunday Morning Worship

Location Details

9004 N Country Homes Blvd Spokane, WA 99218

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News and More

SFNAZ Newsletter – October 2024

Click here to view the weekly devotional. SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH October is Pastor Appreciation Month!  Thank you to our wonderful Pastors:  Wes Hershberger, Jordan Roth, Justine Wilks, David Dixon, Lake Wilks, and Wanda Aller.  We love and appreciate you!  Your church board invites you to pick up a card in the Holy Grounds (or bring in your own) and leave a personal note of gratitude to show how much you appreciate them! VETERAN’S DAY PHOTOS Photos for the…

I Identify

One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at the table at Jesus side… John 13:23 John, the son of Zebedee, a fisherman by trade, was called by Jesus to be one of his followers. This man was given the unique opportunity to be one of three who were given premier access to Jesus—part of his inner circle. He was also the longest living of Jesus’ disciples. He wrote a large portion of the New Testament, eclipsed only by…

Isaiah 6:8

I first felt a definitive call to ministry when I was on a Work and Witness trip to Kenya at the age of 16. I was so excited to share this call with the other people on the trip, as well as the Kenyan pastors we have gotten to know well over the years. They all affirmed my call and told me I would do great things for the Lord. When we came home, I shared the news of my…

Freedom from Sin

I grew up in the Presbyterian Church.  I can recall as a young boy being scared that if I didn’t pray each night for the forgiveness of my sins, I might go to hell.  What if I failed to confess all my sins?  What if I had sinned and didn’t know it?  What if I sinned and died in a car accident?  I lived in constant fear of going to hell if I failed to constantly ask God for forgiveness…