Take your next step

…Toward Jesus. Join us this Sunday!
9:30am | Learning and Growth (All ages)
10:45am | Sunday Morning Worship

Location Details

9004 N Country Homes Blvd Spokane, WA 99218

Online Giving

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  • Give by text
  • Schedule a payment through your bank
  • Give online using our secure form
  • 5 minutes is all it takes to get started

Tap Give Now for more information.

News and More

The Friendship

It was a short friendship. He walked into the church, and I introduced myself to the newcomer as Pastor Wanda. We instantly became friends, and everyone introduced themselves that first day. He said he felt like family.  I told him he was family.  He loved coming to church and only missed when he was ill. He loved eating the noon meal with us and I tried to always send food home with him.  He sat at the same table every…

Eternal Perspective

2 Corinthians 4:18 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” One of the last conversations my nephew had with his father was about perspective, “Dad, it’s all about your perspective”.  And while my brother-in-law was unable to revive his son, my nephew is now in heaven in the presence of Jesus.  If Jesus gave him a choice of whether to…

SFNAZ Newsletter – March 2025

Click Here to view the Pastor Wes’ devotional! SFNAZ ANNOUNCEMENTS  2024 GIVING REPORTS All Giving Reports for tax reporting purposes were emailed in January.  If you have not received the email, or you would prefer a printed copy, please call the church office.  Thank you. NEW BELIEVERS CLASS | Wednesdays 6:30p 3-week class led by Pastor Doug Jones to help you begin your new journey with Christ. Sign up on Church center or at the information counter. BREAKFAST GOODIES AVAILABLE…